Pozvánka na přednášku semináře

  • Kentaro Yamamoto (ICS CAS):

    The combinatorics of finite Heyting algebras and the topological group of the automorphisms of their limit

    18.11.2020 16:00Místnost ZOOM @ Ústav informatiky
    Pod Vodárenskou věží 2
    Praha, 182 00
    Seminář aplikované matematické logiky

    There are several results linking combinatorial properties of Fraissé classes, certain classes of structures having the amalgamation property, and topological properties of the automorphism groups of their limits. In this talk, the speaker's work in progress on one instance of research in this vein, which is on the Fraissé class of finite Heyting algebras will be presented. This class is not *uniformly* locally finite unlike most other examples considered in this vein of research. It will be shown that our automorphism group is non-isomorphic to existing examples and that it is non-amenable. At the end of the talk, future research ideas pertaining to the Ramsey property of the class and, equivalently, the extreme amenability of the automorphism group will be discussed.

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