
Are you passionate about mathematics and would like to explore the exciting world of strategies and decision making? Join the Game Theory research group at the AI Center (Czech Technical University in Prague) as a PhD student. It’s a fully-funded position for motivated individuals who want to get to the bottom of fundamental questions. Will you contribute to the future game solutions powered by artificial intelligence?

Your supervisor

Throughout your PhD program, you will work under the supervision of Tomáš Kroupa. He has an established publication record and is known to be a very friendly and patient researcher who is always there to listen to others and help out.

Tomáš is currently focused on coalitional games, strategic games with infinite action spaces, and their applications in computer science. Together with his two colleagues, he leads the Game Theory research group that does algorithmic game theory, learning in games, cooperative games, and their applications. The whole team delivers thrilling results in terms of extensive funding, papers accepted to A* conferences and innovative research projects. Become their new colleague!

Salary and other perks of being a PhD student

Successful candidates will get a full tuition waiver and 45 000 CZK monthly brutto income (the equivalent of 1 670 EUR). Note that the Czech Republic’s cost of living is at 59% of the US price level by OECD statistics. To give you a better idea, the average price of beer in Prague is 1,3 EUR. Cheers to that! With 6 weeks of paid vacation, you will have plenty of time to explore the cozy pubs and vibrant nightlife.

Also, get excited for traveling to attractive conferences abroad, regular internal seminars, an unlimited supply of coffee (very appreciated) and meal vouchers. Our labs are located on the university campus in the historical city center, so perfect transport accessibility is another obvious advantage.

However, what we appreciate the most about our research center is an inspirational and supportive environment. Plus you will have the convenience of working in teams where everyone knows their agenda and the supervisor is at your fingertips to help. With that said, getting your PhD in AI Center FEE CTU will be a forming life experience that will kick off your research career.


Prior knowledge of game theory is not necessary, Essential qualification for this position is a Master degree in computer science, mathematics, optimization, or related fields. Do you have one or are you in the final year of your master’s program? Great! Proceed with the application.

How to apply

Send your structured CV and· motivation letter to our HR Manager katarina.takusova@fel.cvut.cz

We will contact you in approx. two weeks whether you qualify for the position and if we think you would be a good fit for our team.

Get ready for an interview with your future supervisor to discuss your research proposal or topics you are interested in. This can be done via videocall from the comfort of your home.

Until submitting an official PhD application through the university system (there are two possible deadlines per year), you can start working in our center. It’s a great way to meet your colleagues and see if you enjoy the research job. Once you decide to go through with the PhD program, we will help you with the formal application.