CU Central Catalog

CU Central Catalog includes records of all materials owned by all CU libraries: books, periodicals, working papers, e-documents, etc. The catalog also offers links to available full texts. It allows searching, browsing, reservation, prolongation, and monitoring of your loans.

The Jan Kmenta CERGE-EI library catalog is integrated into CU Central Catalog. It is the main access point for the library's collections.

Currently, the Jan Kmenta CERGE-EI library catalog includes:

  • all books, monographs, multi-volume books, statistical yearbooks (more than 30 000 titles, mostly in English).
  • approximately 250 e-journal titles.
  • the collection of gray literature (working papers, discussion papers, dissertation theses, etc.) This collection includes the papers of such institutions as NBER, CEPR, IMF, Czech National Bank, etc.).
  • the collection of World Bank books and materials (more than 2000 titles).
  • approximately 600 printed periodical titles.
  • approximately 150 CD-ROM titles.