60 years of laser 60 years of laser 60 years of laser


Project EC OP 2: Research and Development of New Ways of Radiation Generation and Charged Particle production by Ultra-Intense Laser Fields

The main objective of the project was to build 2 new research teams led by 2 prominent foreign scientists from prestigious scientific research institutions (MPQ and DESY, Germany) focused on research and application of very strong electromagnetic fields generated by femtosecond class lasers. The activities of both research teams were contributed to the transfer of unique know-how in the field of physics of very intense light fields and their application in the generation of qualitatively new sources of X-rays and accelerated charged particles. Target groups were scientific and research staff, PhD and undergraduate students working in institutions outside of capital city of Prague. Knowledge transfer was been realized by organizing seminars/workshops and professional excursions. Realized activities played significant role in building expertise in the International Laser Centre ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure).

Project coordinator: Karel Rohlena

Project period: 6/1/2011 – 5/31/2014