Panqualityism, Awareness and the Explanatory Gap
According to panqualityism, a form of Russellian monism defended by Sam Coleman and others, consciousness is grounded in fundamental qualities, i.e. unexperienced qualia. Despite panqualityism’s significant promise, according to David Chalmers panqualityism fails as a theory of consciousness since the reductive approach to awareness of qualities it proposes fails to account for the specific phenomenology associated with awareness. I investigate Coleman’s reasoning against this kind of phenomenology and conclude that he successfully shows that its existence is controversial, and so Chalmers’s critique is inconclusive. I then present a critique of panqualityism that avoids this controversial posit, arguing that the panqualityist treatment of awareness faces an explanatory gap, failing to account for the intimate cognitive access to qualities which we are afforded, i.e. for our ‘strong awareness’ of qualities. The real worry for panqualityists is thus not the contested phenomenology of awareness, which Chalmers relies on, but rather the special way in which we are aware of qualities.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Fenomenologie ducha
(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Phenomenology of Spirit)
This work, which was conceived by Hegel as an introduction to his philosophical system and, at the same time, as its justification, grew into a unique presentation of the system itself. It influenced European intellectual history and philosophical learning in various subject-areas. The translation draws on the academic edition of 1980, taking from it notes, which are complemented by the classical notes of Georg Lasson, as well as by the translators’ own notes. The translation has developed out of an originally-projected critical revision of Jan Patočka’s 1960 translation.

Das Antlitz des Anderen. Zum Denken von Emmanuel Levinas
(The Face of the Other: On the thinking of Emmnanuel Levinas)
Levinas develops his fundamental philosophical considerations from the concrete encounter with the other, who in his radical otherness places an ethical demand on the ego. This claim is particularly evident in the face and gaze of the other. Thus the “face of the other” belongs to the central figures of thought of Levinas’ philosophy. This anthology unfolds the core motif of the “face” in different directions (e. g. in conversation with philosophical tradition) and at the same time shows its effect in various fields: in art or in the “political”.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Úvahy o polské vládě a o její zamýšlené reformě
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Considerations on the Government of Poland and on Its Projected Reformation)
Considerations on the Government of Poland is the last political work by J.-J. Rousseau, it was published for the first time only after his death. Rousseau wrote the Considerations in a response to the request of the members of the revolted Polish nobility to propose a reform of the Polish Constitution. In this work Rousseau discusses the possibility of the survival of the Polish nation face to the disappearance of the Polish state. In this regard, Rousseau anticipates the national movements and demonstrates the originality of his political thought. The numerous references to the Social Contract contained in the Considerations prove the unity of his political theory as well as the strength and ardour of his convictions even in his last years. The book contains the notes of the author and the translator as well as the index, bibliography and a short survey of political the situation in the 18th century Poland. This is the first Czech translation of this work.

Justification of the State: Kant and Hegel
In: Ch. Krijnen (ed.), Concepts of Normativity: Kant or Hegel?
Both Kant and Hegel are convinced that the state is essential for human coexistence and cannot be replaced by another institution. Their justification of the state and their understanding of it does, however, differ. Kant is a theorist of natural rights and social contract, while Hegel is known as a critic of both of these theories and a theorist of an ethical state. Chotas explains what these two claims actually mean and in what respects do they contradict each other. He considers also their consequences for the notion of the state within a broader context of philosophy of these two thinkers.

Benjamin Constant, Principy politiky
(Benjamin Constant, Principles of politics)
The translated book is the key political work of the Swiss-French political writer and politician Benjamin Constant (1767–1830). Constant considers here the impact of the French revolution on political thought. The present publication is the translation of the manuscript version of the book (1806) that Constant could not publish at the time due to political reasons. This version of the book confirms him as a key representative of classical Liberalism.

Kant a Husserl o zkušenosti
(Kant and Husserl on Experience)
The focus of the book is on the theory of experience in Immanuel Kant and Edmund Husserl, two major figures in the modern philosophy tradition. Although they both used the label of ‘transcendental idealism’ as to describe their own position, there have been only very few attempts to systematically compare their ways of thinking so far. The book is thus not only an attempt to explore into this rather neglected topic, but it is also a contribution to the problematic of transcendentalism and to the theory of knowledge in the western philosophy in general.

Giambattista Vico. Jak se dnes studuje
(On the Study Methods of Our Times)
On the Study Methods of Our Times may be the most accessible text of Neapolitan philosopher Gaimbattista Vico (1668-1744). It presents a perspicious comparision of modern study methods with the ancient ones, bringing examples from various disciplines, not just from natural science or medicine, but also from art or law theory. According to Vico with the growing specialisations the education becomes fragmentary and detached from civil life. The translation of the book is preceded by an extensive introduction putting Vico's proposal to an appropriate frame and explaining some of his central notions.

Kantův morální zákon
(Kant’s Moral Law)
The book is composed of two extended articles by the foremost interpreters of Kant, Konrad Cramer and Michael Wolff. It presents the moral law as a basic principle of Kant’s practical philosophy. The meaning of the moral law is interpreted and it is shown in what sense it is more fundamental than the categorical imperative. The book also provides an explanation of what Kant has in mind when he says that consciousness of the moral law may be called a fact of reason.

Krankheit des Zeitalters oder heilsame Provokation? Skeptizismus in der nachkantischen Philosophie
(Disease of the Epoch or Healing Provocation? Scepticism in Post-Kantian Philosophy)
The present collection of essays is devoted to the debate about the new scepticism, which emerged in Germany as immediate response to Kant's critical philosophy. Sceptical doubts of Maimon and Schulze opposed the Kantian claim that it is possible a priori to determine the nature of experience and the conditions of its possibility. Reinhold defended Kant against such criticism, but modified his claim. This debate inspired Fichte, Schlegel and later Hegel to develop their own philosophy.