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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Submissions to the English edition of Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review must be written in English.

It is recommended that authors whose first language is not English enlist the help of a native English speaker to edit the grammar of the manuscript prior to submission in order to ensure the correctness and clarity of the writing. The editors reserve the right to edit all submissions.

Please adhere to the following instructions when preparing your manuscript for submission:

1. Include a cover letter with your manuscript containing your full name, all academic titles, your address, postal code, telephone number, and e-mail address, the title of your manuscript, and an indication of its length (the number of words, including references, footnotes, abstract, and any appendices) and a statement declaring that the manuscript has not yet been published or submitted to any other journal.

2. Submit two copies of the manuscript – the original and a blinded version – and any other materials online. SČ/CSR sends blinded copies for review, so please omit all references to your identity as the author in the text of the blinded copy.

Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx) format and they should be double-spaced, with 60 characters to a line and 30 lines to a page.

All new manuscripts (e.g. articles, book reviews) must be uploaded into the online Submission System. Click on ‘Author Guidelines’ and select Submit Manuscript from the from the menu of options. You will then be automatically invited to register before accessing the submission system. When registering you can create your own password and name, and if you do not, they will be assigned to you by the system. You will need the user name and password to sign into the submission system for any future work on the manuscript (e.g. to re-submit the article after revisions in the course of the peer-review process). Detailed instructions on how to use the submission system are available here.

Manuscripts will only be accepted for peer review if they are submitted through the online submission system. Manuscripts submitted by any other means (e.g. submitted by email) will not be accepted and the author will be redirected to submit view the online Submission System as explained above.

3. The manuscript should include a title, abstract (200–250 words), up to five keywords, footnotes, and, at the end of the text, a full list of references. The abstract should concisely summarise the paper’s argument, describe the methodology used in the supporting research, and explain its original theoretical and/or empirical contribution to the area of knowledge or debate it is concerned with.

4. Articles must not exceed 9000 words, including footnotes and references, book reviews should be between 1500 and 2000 words, and information or news on past or upcoming academic events must not exceed 1500 words.

5. Text citations give the surname of the author(s) of the cited work and the year of its publication in square brackets. When using direct quotations or referring to a specific passage in a work cite the page numbers after a colon. Only cite works that are necessary to provide evidence for your statements.


  • The author’s surname and the year of the cited work’s publication are both placed in square brackets, unless the author is mentioned in the text, in which case only the year of publication is placed in square brackets immediately after the author’s name: e.g. [Bauman 1968] or Bauman [1968]. Include page numbers after a colon where necessary [Bauman 1968: 128–150].
  • If the work cited has two or three joint authors, list all the authors’ surnames [Saxonberg, Hašková and Mudrák 2012]; if there are four or more authors, list only the first surname followed by ‘et al.’. A series of citations should be separated by a semi-colon and listed in alphabetical order, and multiple works by one author are separated by a comma and listed chronologically: [Hanousek and Munich 2000; Turnovec 1997, 1998, 1999].
  • For institutional or similar authorship, consistently use an abbreviation or acronym for the institution in the text citations [OECD 2000].
  • Cite sources accepted for publication but not yet published as ‘forthcoming’ [Smith forthcoming]. Cite dissertations and unpublished sources by author and date; if there is no date for these sources, use ‘n.d’: [Weber n.d.].
  • Citations of machine-readable data files include the author (institutional source) and date: [Institute of Sociology 2001].
  • For electronic sources, cite in-text only those that are permanently archived (internet sources, web journals, library and university websites, etc.) and cite the name of the author(s) or institution and the year of publication. Cite any other references to online sources in a footnote with the date of retrieval and the full URL.

6. Number footnotes throughout the text using superscript Arabic numerals.

7. References at the end of the manuscript must contain all references cited in the text and only those cited in the text. All reference information must be provided in full and correctly. Please observe the following guidelines:

  • List references in alphabetical order according to the author’s surname. Use initials for the first and any other names, except the surname, and list all the authors of a co-authored work – do not use ‘et al.’’. Invert only the name of the first author: Jones, A. B., C. D. Smith and J. Peterson.
  • When two or more works by the same author are cited, list them chronologically by year. If two or more works by the same author are from the same year, distinguish between them by adding the letters a, b, c, etc., to the year (2002a, 2002b).

SČ/CSR uses the citation guidelines set out in the ASA Style Guide (3rd ed., 2007) and used by the American Sociological Review.



Hutchby, I. and R. Wooffitt. 1998. Conversation Analysis Principles. Practices and Application. Oxford: Polity Press.

Jarkovská, L. 2013. Gender před tabulí: Etnografický výzkum genderové reprodukce v každodennosti školní třídy. (Gender in front of the blackboard: the ethnography of gender reproduction in the everyday life of the classroom) Prague: SLON.


Hejnal, O. 2013. ‘Hilton jako fekální dvůr: socioprostorové aspekty bezdomovectví.’ (The ‘Hilton’ as a faecal court: the socio-spatial aspects of homelessness) Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 49 (2): 241–267.


LaCapra, D. 1992. ‘Foucault, History and Madness.’ Pp. 78–85 in Rewriting the History of Madness, edited by A. Still and I. Velody. London and New York: Routledge.

Machonin, P. 2002. ‘Proměny sociálních nerovností v postsocialistické transformaci středoevropského typu a jejich možné teoretické implikace.’ (The transformation of social inequalities in the Central-European type of post-socialist transformation and their possible theoretical implications) Pp. 11–30 in Současná česká společnost. Sociologické studie, edited by Z. Mansfeldová and M. Tuček. Prague: Sociologický ústav AV ČR.


Zděnek, M. 2011. ‘Co je třeba změnit v českém zdravotnictví a proč?’ (What needs changing in Czech health care and why?) Česká pozice, 8 April. Retrieved 14 December 2014 (http://ceskapozice.lidovky.cz/co-je-treba-zmenit-v-ceskem-zdravotnictvi-a-proc-ft2-/tema.aspx?c=A110406_115459_pozice_10895).

Please include the DOI (digital object identifier) for all references that have been assigned one:

Donham, D. L. 1998. ‘Freeing South Africa: The “Modernization” of Male-Male Sexuality in Soweto.’ Cultural Anthropology 13 (1): 3–21, http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/can.1998.13.1.3.

8. Tables should be numbered consecutively and each one presented on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Insert notes in the text indicating where each table should be placed (Table 1 about here). Each table must have a descriptive title and headings for all columns and rows. Notes on the tables (e.g. source information) are presented immediately below the table as a table footnote(s). Submit tables in Word or in Excel.

9. Artwork: figures, illustrations, and photographs are numbered consecutively and each one must be presented on a separate page at the end of the manuscript or submitted as a separate file. Insert notes in the text indicating where each figure should be placed (Figure 1 about here). All artwork will be published in black and white, so the use of colour should be avoided in figures, maps, photographs, etc. Submit figures or diagrams as PDF or Excel files, submit photographs in TIF or JPG (with a 300 PPI resolution). Please note: other file formats will not be accepted.