Vladimír Mikeš

Mgr. Vladimír Mikeš, PhD.

(deputy head)

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01/10/2004 – 25/02/2009 PhD

Faculty of Philosophy/ Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Supervisor: Prof. F. Karfik. Title: Le paradoxe stoïcien: liberté de l’action determinée. Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Examiners: D. Sedley (Cambridge), J.-B. Gourinat (Paris)

15/01/2007-31/03/2007 Visiting Student in Cambridge University, Faculty of Classics, UK

01/10/2005-30/06/2006 Visiting Student in Sorbonne Paris-1 and CNRS UPR 76, Villejuif, Paris, France

01/10/1999 – 01/06/2003 Master

Faculty of Philosophy/ Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic


01/03/2013 – present Researcher in the Institute of Philosophy/Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought/Czech Academy of Sciences/ Prague, Czech Republic

(deputy-head for Ancient philosophy)


01/01/2004-31/12/2011 Research assistant in the Centre for the Study of Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic

01/01//2009-31/12/2009 Editor in chief of the web-pages of Czech Hospice Civic Association “The Homecoming” (part-time), Prague, Czech republic


01/09/2011-31/ 08/2012 Research assistant at the Chair of Ancient Philosophy, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

01/02/2010-31/01/2011 Research fellow (post-doc) in the Centre Léon Robin, CNRS, Paris, France


01/02/2014 – 30/05/2016 Stoic ontology/Institute of Philosophy/Czech Academy of Sciences/ Prague, Czech Republic

01/02/ 2007-30/05/2007 Stoic theory of action

Institute of philosophy and religious studies/Faculty of Philosophy/Charles University/ Prague, Czech Republic (graduate students)

01/10/ 2006-14/01/2006 Metamorphoses of Homer’s Ulysses, with S. Fischer, PhD., Department of Classical studies /Faculty of Philosophy/Charles University/ Prague, Czech Republic (undergraduate students)

01/02/ 2004-30/05/2004 Plato’s theory of name and language in the Cratylus, Institute of philosophy and religious studies/Faculty of Philosophy/Charles University/ Prague, Czech Republic (graduate students)


15/01/2011 International workshop/ La vertu entre Aristote et les stoïciens/ Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

18/12/2015 International workshop/ Stoic incorporeals/ Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic


01/01/2014 – present Deputy Head/ Institute of Philosophy/ Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought/Czech Academy of Sciences/ Prague, Czech Republic

01/02/2014 - present Organiser of the Internal Seminar “Work in Progress/ Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought/Czech Academy of Sciences/ Prague, Czech Republic


01/09/2012-30/02/2013 Parental leave/Prague


1) Monographs

a) author or co-author

Vladimír Mikeš, Jaroslav Rytíř, Referendum a přímá demokracie. Praha: AV ČR 2019.

Vladimír Mikeš, Le paradoxe stoïcien: liberté de l’action déterminée. Paris: Vrin 2016.

b) Editor

Filip Karfík, Vladimír Mikeš (eds.) Plato's Cratylus, edited by. Leiden - Boston: Brill 2020 (forthcoming).

David Machek, Vladimir Mikeš (eds.) Plato's Gorgias (forthcoming).

Karfik, F. & Hladky, V. & Lakmann, M.-L. & Mikeš, V. (Hrsg.), M. Baltes: Die Geschichte der Interpretation des Platonische (forthcoming)

2) Peer-reviewed articles and studies

"Les stoïciens et Platon - monistes ou dualistes?" Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 2, 2020 (forthcoming).

"Blaženost částí kosmu – stoická etika." In Přístupy k etice, Š. Špinka, P. Toráčová (eds.), Praha, 2014, p. 47-80 (translation: The happiness of the parts of cosmos)

"Stoická teorie jednání: pojem ctnosti a svobody." Filosofický časopis 4, 2010, p. 567-588. (tr.: The Stoic’s theory of action: notion of virtue and freedom)

"Plato’s Necessity Revisited." Rhizai, 5 (1), 2008, p. 7-19.

"Le paradoxe stoïcien: l’action déterminée et la responsabilité." Philosophie Antique 8, 2008, p. 189-214.

"Stoická teorie jednání: pojem přitakání." Reflexe 34, 2008, p. 3-28. (tr.: The Stoics’ theory of action: notion of assent)

"Obraz snu a spánku u Hérakleita a Platóna a jeho filosofické souvislosti." Listy filologické (Folia Philologica) 130, 3-4, 2007, p. 229-249. (tr.: The mataphor of Dream and Sleep in Heraclitus and Plato and its philosophical context)

3) Book contributions

"Alexander of Aphrodisia, De mixtione - chapter 3-4." In Alexander of Aphrodisia, De mixtione, edited by Gweltaz Guyomarc’h, Frans de Haas. Leiden-Boston: Brill 2021 (forthcoming).

"What remains of Socrates' naturalist theory once conventionalism is accepted," In Plato's Cratylus, edited by Filip Karfík, Vladimír Mikeš. Leiden - Boston: Brill 2020 (forthcoming).

"Is ethically neutral rhetoric (460c-461a) a real option for Plato and if not why?" In Plato's Gorgias, edited by David Machek and Vladimir Mikeš, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2021 (forthcoming).

"Sen ve starém Řecku." In Spánek a sen, J. Hrdlička, J. Starý (eds.), Praha 2008, p. 149-169. (tr.: Dream in Ancient Greece)

"Scala naturae u starých stoiků." In “Přirozenost” ve filosofii minulosti a současnosti, L. Chvátal, V. Hušek (eds.), Brno 2008, p. 44-53. (tr.: Scala naturae in Early Stoicism)

"Aristotelova mimetická katharsis." Mediterranea (Festschrift), Praha 2002, str. 70-110. (tr.: Aristotle’s concept of mimetical katharsis)

4) Reviews

Jonathan Barnes, Mantissa, Essays in Ancient Philosophy IV, Revue philosophique de Louvain 115, 1, 2017, p. 159-161.

Tad Brennan, The Stoic Life: Emotions, Duties, and Fate, Philosophie Antique 8, 2008, p. 282-286.

Ricardo Salles, The Stoics on Determinism and Compatibilism, Philosophie Antique 7, 2007, p. 272-275.

5) Non-peer-reviewed

Spánek ve starém Řecku, Rozrazil, 2, 2008, p. 23-24. (tr.: Sleep in Ancient Greece)


11/2017 What remains of Socrates' naturalist theory once conventionalism is accepted, Praha (Plato's Cratylus, XIth Symposium Platonicum Pragense)

06/2017 How passions give way to emotions in Stoicism, University of Bern, Switzerland

06/2016 Platon et les stoïciens : monistes ou dualistes ?, Centre Léon Robin/Sorbonne, Paris, France

12/2014 Function of sayable (lekton) in the Stoic theory of action: new approach to Stoic incorporeals?, University of Oxford, UK

05/2014 Stoics’ science of speaking well, University of Leeds, UK

11/2013 Marc-Aurèle: les conditions d’une liberté, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

10/2012 Becoming oneself in Early Stoicism and Plotinus, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

12/2011 Marc-Aurèle et l’ancien stoïcism : l’état de transition, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

01/2011 La vertu stoïcienne et son rapport aux kathekonta: l’action vertueuse divisée (+ conference organisation: La vertu entre Aristote et les stoïciens), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

03/2011 La théorie stoïcienne de l’action dans la critique d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

03/2010 La signification de l’assentiment pour l’action humaine, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

02/2007 Plato's Timaeus in the 1. c. BC: the challenge of transcendence - Posidonius, Cicero, Xenarchos

Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge, UK

05/2006 Two kinds of cause in Plato’s Timaeus,

International workshop on Plato’s Timaeus, FFUK, Prague, Czech rep.

06/2005 La théorie du déterminisme chez les prémiers stoïciens, CNRS, Villejuif, Paris, France