The group contributes to the following mathematical research topics of WIAS:

Free boundary problems for partial differential equations

Free boundary problems are investigated in connection with energy technology and coating of surfaces. [>> more]

Functional analysis and operator theory

At WIAS, functional analysis and operator theory are related, in particular, to problems of partial differential equations and evolutions equations, to analysis of multiscale, hybrid and rate-independent models and, finally, to mathematical problems of semiconductor models. [>> more]

Modeling, analysis and numerics of phase field models

A diffuse phase field model is a mathematical model for describing microstructural phenomena and for predicting morphological evolution on the mesoscale. It is applied to a wide variety of material processes such as solidification, coarsening in alloys, crack propagation and martensitic transformations. [>> more]

Numerical methods for coupled systems in computational fluid dynamics

The main field of research are schemes for convection-diffusion equations, transport equations with exponential nonlinearities and Navier-Stokes equations (turbulent flows). The methods are based on FEM and FVM spatial discretizations and on implicit temporal discretizations. Considered applications involve population balance systems and Roosbroeck systems. [>> more]

Optimal control of partial differential equations and nonlinear optimization

Many processes in nature and technics can only be prescribed by partial differential equations,e.g. heating- or cooling processes, the propagation of acoustic or electromagnetic waves, fluid mechanics. Additionally to challenges in modeling, in various applications the manipulation or controlling of the modeled system is also of interest in order to obtain a certain purpose... [>> more]

Systems of partial differential equations: modeling, numerical analysis and simulation

The mathematical description of many scientific and technological problems leads to systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). [>> more]

Variational methods

Many physical phenomena can be described by suitable functionals, whose critical points play the role of equilibrium solutions. Of particular interest are local and global minimizers: a soap bubble minimizes the surface area subject to a given volume and an elastic body minimizes the stored elastic energy subject to given boundary conditions. [>> more]