- JČMF: 350 CZK (175 CZK for students, seniors)
In addition it is possible to sign for a membership in some of the following sections (none, any or all):
- Czech mathematical society (ČMS): 80 CZK (40 CZK for students and seniors)
- Society of mathematics teachers (SUMA): 100 CZK (50 CZK for students and seniors)
- Czech physics society (ČFS) : 200 CZK (100 CZK for students and seniors)
- Society of physics teachers (FPS): 100 CZK (50 CZK for students and seniors)
In addition it is possible to subscribe some of the journals published by the Union:
- Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie: 180 CZK
- Rozhledy matematicko fyzikální: 180 CZK
- Učitel matematiky: 180 CZK
- Československý časopis pro fyziku
- Matematika-Fyzika-Informatika (freely available online)
- Školská fyzika (freely available online)
These fees are valid since 2018.
Fees for the institutional members are negotiated individually.