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Satisfaction with the Situation in Selected Areas of Public Life - January 2013


In January 2013, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in 29 selected areas of public life. The best evaluated areas are the selection of goods and services (75 % satisfied) and culture (58 %). The worst evaluated items are corruption (90 % dissatisfied), economic crime (83 %), unemployment (83 %), the situation in public finances (74 %), the political situation (74 %) and the area of social security (73 %).

All reports from this survey

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Satisfaction with the situation in areas of public life - June 2012


In June 2012, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in selected areas of public life (29 areas were selected).Citizens of the Czech Republic are the most satisfied with the offer of goods and services (75 % satisfied), culture (59 %). Czechs are dissatisfied with the corruption (92 % dissatisfied), economic crime (81 %), the unemployment (77 %) the political situation (76 %) and the situation of public finance (75 %).

All reports from this survey

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Political culture - March 2012


Czech citizens are critical when talking about political culture of most of politically active people. The exception are members of Municipal Councils. In this case prevails positively evaluation (52/36 % . The worst evaluation got political culture of members of Chamber of Deputy (11/86 %).

According to major part of czech citizens (73 %) arguments, problems and scandals are common and occur in other democracies, although major part of addressed respondents (84 %) expressed their opinion that these argumentations and scandals discredit us abroad. Almost all respondents (91 %) agreed that there is need to inform public about the problems, argumentations and scandals, because czech politicians need to be under control of public. Citizen opinions of political culture in our country prove that three quarters of czech citizens think,that these political disputations and scandals, that occur in public - serve only to settle one's account. And a half of people do not agree with that it serves to settle the objective arguments.

All reports from this survey

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Satisfaction with Areas of Public Life


In January this year, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in selected areas of public life.

All reports from this survey

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Satisfaction with the situation in areas of public life

In January this year, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in selected areas of public life.Citizens of the Czech Republic are the most satisfied with the offer of goods and services (72 % satisfied), culture (62 %) and environment (48 %). Czechs are dissatisfied with the corruption (84 % dissatisfied), economic crime (78 %) and the political situation (74 %).

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Political culture - March 2011

Czech citizens are critical when talking about political culture of most of politically active people. The exception are members of Municipal Councils and members of Regional Councils. In those cases prevails positively evaluation (60/30 % Municipal and 41/38 % Regional Councils). The worst evaluation got political culture of members of Chamber of Deputy (17/81 %).

According to major part of czech citizens (79 %) arguments, problems and scandals are common and occur in other democracies, although major part of addressed respondents (77 %) expressed their opinion that these argumentations and scandals discredit us abroad.

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Satisfaction with the situation in areas of public life, and expected developments in 2011

In January this year, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in selected areas of public life, and tried to anticipate future developments in these areas.


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Political culture

In March, the Centre for Public Opinion Research also investigated how Czech citizens evaluate the political culture of publicly-employed people.


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Evaluation of the situation in some areas of public life in 2009

In December 2009 CVVM survey posed a few questions on basic satisfaction with the chosen areas of public life. People were most satisfied with supply of goods and services (75 % "satisfied") and culture (55 %). Dissatisfaction was related mainly to unemployment (80 %) and corruption (79 % "dissatisfied").

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Satisfaction with conditions of some areas of public life

As a part of June survey realized by CVVM there was a question asking how would informants evaluate some areas of public life. People were most satisfied with supply of goods and services (76 % of respondents expressed their satisfaction), with current situation of Czech culture (61 %) and with relationships of the Czech Republic with foreign countries (48 %). On the contrary dissatisfaction prevails with such areas as a corruption and economical criminality.

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