The Czech Republic wants to be the country of the future. On February 4, 2019, the Government of the Czech Republic approved a key document “Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019–2030”. Prepared by the RD&I Council, headed by Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, in close cooperation  with a team of entrepreneurs, scientists, academics and representatives of the public administration, the strategy sets out new priorities, which, if achieved, should put the Czech Republic among the most innovative countries in Europe by 2030. Part of the strategy is also the introduction of a new brand “The Czech Republic: The Country For The Future”.

Read and download the full version of the document: Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019–2030

The Innovation Strategy 2019-2030 conference opened with the Prime Minister’s address. Photo: Office of the Government archives.


“We have an extraordinary knowledge potential, we are a technology-oriented country and meet the strictest economic criteria. When should we undertake such bold changes if not at a time when we are one of the most stable economies in Europe, when our businesses are achieving record results, and our scientists are gaining ever greater respect in the world”, said Prime Minister Babiš in relation to the Innovation Strategy plan.

Fulfilling this framework strategic plan will be under the direct responsibility of the Prime Minister through the RD&I Council headed by Andrej Babiš. “We are facing a very tough job, but I am convinced that we will jointly get our country back where it once belonged”, adds the Prime Minister.


The Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic consists of 9 strategic pillars, namely:

Introduction. The Czech Republic: The Country for the Future

I. The Country for R&D: Funding and Evaluation of R&D

II. The Country for Technology: Polytechnic Education

III. The Country for Start-ups: National Start-up and Spin-off Environment

IV. The Country for Digitalization: Digital State, Manufacturing and Services

V. The Country for Excellence: Innovation and Research Centres

VI. The Country for Investment: Smart Investment

VII. The Country for Patents: Intellectual Property Protection

VIII. The Country for Smart Infrastructure: Mobility and Construction Environment

IX. The Country for Smart People: Smart Marketing

Annex: International Comparison of the Innovation Environment in the Czech Republic 


Each pillar includes the background of the area, followed by framework objectives and instruments of predominantly legislative nature leading to their fulfilment. Once the strategy is approved by the R&D Council, a detailed action plan will be prepared for each pillar, which will be updated annually and reviewed at regular intervals by the Council. Each pillar has its institutional guarantor, usually a ministry, including a specific responsible manager.

In connection with the approval of the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic, the Council members stressed the importance of supporting high-quality science in a large number of fields as a necessary knowledge base for achieving its objectives.

“From the beginning, we focused on making the strategy timeless, supra-ministerial and apolitical. The goal was not to eliminate or change, but to concentrate the decisive innovative activities under one roof and to supplement them with those that are clearly missing or not developing. From the beginning, we reflected the international environment, inspired by countries such as Switzerland, Finland, Sweden or Denmark, that is, countries that have become world-class by massive support for research and innovation”, said R&D Council Vice-President Karel Havlíček, who also coordinates the team of authors. Part of the strategy is also the introduction of a new brand “Czech Republic: The Country For The Future”. “If we want to attract the most capable innovators and to keep skilled young people here, we cannot just rely on our successful past but we must also offer them a prospective future”, explains Karel Havlíček.