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2019 Results

The final presentations of the high school students participating in this academic year’s “Projects in Applied Economics for High School Students” took place at CERGE-EI on Monday, December 16. Five student groups presented their research projects, receiving feedback from CERGE-EI researchers and external guests.

This was the fourth season of the free research program, fully organized and hosted by CERGE-EI, and supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Within 12 weeks, the students learned the basics of economics and research methods (lead by Lucie Zapletalová and Michal Šoltés), and also pursued a supervised research project based on real data (tutors: Miroslava Federovičová ,Vít Macháček, Petr Pleticha, Nikoloz Kudashvili and Michal Šoltés). They also participated in a presentation skills workshop (lead by Paul Whitaker, a CERGE-EI faculty member).

31 high school students were selected from 16 different high schools. Student applications were considered carefully, paying special attention to their motivation and study results (Mathematics and English). 27 participants successfully completed the program.

An evaluation committee (Filip Pertold, CERGE-EI Researcher and Think Tank IDEA Coordinator; René Levínský, CERGE-EI Researcher; Katarína Stehlíková, CERGE-EI graduate and CERGE-EI Foundation Program Manager; Josef Montag, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Law, Charles University) focused on the academic performance and the clarity of the presented content. They gave feedback and encouragement for further research to all five groups, who truly worked hard during the 3-month program.

We would like to thank all who took part in the program: participants, their CERGE-EI tutors and lecturers, and also their high school teachers, friends, and family members, who came to support them for the final presentations of their outstanding work.

1st place:
Title: Gender Premium in Politics
Research Group: Ivan Bejin (Gymnázium Jana Keplera, Prague), Adam Bok (Obchodní akacemie Bubeneč, Prague), Adéla Horáková (Gymnázium Nad Kavalírkou, Prague), Anna Pánková (Gymnázium Josefa Ressela, Chrudim), Vojtěch Ruda (Gymnázium Jaroslava Heyrovského, Prague)

2nd place:
Title: What Effects the Health of English People?
Research Group: Alfred Byrne (English College, Prague), Mark Gerasimov (Deutsche Schule, Prague), David Kosík (Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera, Prague), Alexandr Terziev (Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera, Prague), Simon Kolařík (English College, Prague)

3rd place:
Title: The Causes of Inequality in Mathematical Skills within the Czech Republic
Research Group: Gaetana Fagone (English College, Prague), Aner Hadžić (Gymnázium Jaroslava Heyrovského, Prague), Miroslava Macková (Gymnázium Open Gate, Prague), Terezie Pařízková (Secondary School for the Administration of the EU, Prague), Lukáš Veselý (Obchodní akademie Bubeneč, Prague)

Our congratulations also go to:

Title: Do Opposites Attract?
Research group: Simon Bacovký (Gymnázium Jaroslava Heyrovského, Prague), Ivan Gromakov (English College, Prague), Alina Mojšová (Gymnázium Na Vítězné pláni, Prague), Thuy Tien Nguyen Thi (English College, Prague), Daria Zaytseva (English College, Prague),

Title: What Drives Real Estate Prices in Prague?
Research group: Jan Kotrč (English College, Prague), Josef Pechar (Gymnázium Omská, Prague), Helena Jelena Perković (Gymnázium Nad Alejí, Prague), David Pohořelý (Gymnázium Omská, Prague), Jakub Vacek (Gymnázium Na Vítězné pláni, Prague)

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