
rDesign The rDesign spin-off project aims for commercialize innovative research results on stochastic topology optimization. Whereas currently available software solutions use deterministic topology optimization, the stochastic approach of rDesign takes real variability of material properties and load patterns into account when optimizing engineering components and products. This significantly increases the robustness of the optimized designs and thus achieves considerable added-value for the customer.

rDesign is working on making this innovative technology accessible to the broadest possible small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) customer base via cloud computing in the form of turnkey software applications for specific industrial problems. This removes the traditional hurdles of high software and hardware costs as well as the expert shortage for the usage of topology optimization. SMEs can thus successfully innovate and compete in industry 4.0.


EXIST Grant holders

Dr. Johannes Neumann, Dr. Abeed Visram , and Dr. André Wilmes.

Funding period

01.09.2018 – 31.08.2019