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Complexity seminar

usually takes place each Friday at 14:00 - 16:00 temporarily on Zoom, normally in IM, rear building, ground floor
Chair: Michal Koucky, Pavel Pudlak
The programme is announced via the mailing list.

KRW Composition Theorems via Lifting

Susanna F. de Rezende
Institute of Mathematics, CAS
Friday, 20. November 2020 - 14:30 to 16:30
Proving super-logarithmic lower bounds on the depth of circuits (i.e., P \neq NC^1) is one of the main frontiers of circuit complexity. 
In 1991, Karchmer, Raz and Wigderson observed that we could resolve this question by proving the following conjecture: Given two non-constant boolean functions f, g, the depth complexity of their composition is approximately equal to the sum of their individual depth complexities. ... more