official magazine of CAS


EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013

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English books prepared for publication by Academy bulletin


Akademie věd České republiky / The Czech Academy of Sciences 2014 a 2015

The Czech Academy of Sciences has issued a report accounting selected research results achieved by its scientific institutes in all research areas in 2014 and in early 2015.
Full version you can find here.


The new english expanded edition 




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Cover Akademic bulletin  04/2002

Academic bulletin 04/2002


Report in photos

Music in Tomáš G. Masaryk's Family


European Week of the Brain

European Week of the Brain, 12. - 14. 3. 2002. The main goal of these lectures was to communicate science primarily to young people, i.e., students. The week was very successful this year with impressive lectures delivered by our distinguished experts in problems of the brain, such as Doc. H. Illnerová, Prof. E. Syková, Prof. J. Syka, Prof. R. Druga, MUDr. M. Grim, Prof. O. Vinař.

President of ASCR in Senate of Parliament of Czech Republic

At a public hearing 25. 2. 2002 prearranged by the Committee on Education, Science, Culture, Human Rights and Petitions of Senate of Parliament of Czech Republic with cooperation of the Technology Centre ASCR included an opening speech by Doc. Illnerová about arrangements of the Czech Republic participation's in the 6th Framework EU Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstrations. Doc. Illnerová continued to acquaint senators with the European Research Area and also with the participation of Czech scientists and researchers in completing the 5th Framework Programme in which the Czech Republic was fully associated.

Research and Development Council of the Government of the Czech Republic

Information from the 158th session of the Czech Government's Research and Development Council 15. 2. 2002

News from the Academic Council

The 14th session of scientific divisions of ASCR

The 14th session of scientific divisions of ASCR took place on 19. February 2002. The record of the session includes the proposal of cooperation ASCR with applied research and user domain, the project of the new honorary medal, the Order of Merit in Popularisation of Science, also information about international exhibition "Europe's centre about the year 1000", like a motion of actions for the planned celebrations of 10. + 50. anniversaries of the ASCR.

Topic of the Month

Cooperation with ASCR intensified in South Bohemia

The ASCR cooperated with Professor Grubhoffer, the Vice Chancellor of the University of with the representatives of České Budějovice institutes of the ASCR with the management of the University of South Bohemia. They solved concrete forms of collaboration at a meeting on 14. 12. 2001.

Introducing the projects

Extensive publication The Vladislav Land Provisions and the Beginnings of Constitutionalism in the Czech Lands (1500 - 1619)

Extensive publication The Vladislav Land Provisions and the Beginnings of Constitutionalism in the Czech Lands (1500 to 1619) was accomplished with only a two year grant from Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, in which History Institute collaborated with Institute of Juridical History, ASCR, and inaugurated extensive research with historians from the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia.

Scientific societies

The Czech Association for Cybernetics and Information Science

The Czech Association for Cybernetics and Information Science was founded in 1965, and began functioning on 1. 1. 1966. The Czechoslovak Cybernetics Association was founded in 1991. For more information, check the web site

Science and research

Science in Czechoslovakia in the Period of Normalisation

Science in Czechoslovakia in the Period of Normalisation (1970 - 1975). This was the theme of a two-day conference which concentrated on the most difficult time in the evolution of Czech and Slovak society under the pressure of the communist regime.

The Research Centre for the History of Sciences and Humanities and the Institute for Contemporary History, ASCR, arranged this meeting.

Charta '77 in Reflex of Contemporary People

Several people took part in a meeting, including the President of ASCR Doc. H. Illnerová, the president of the Senate of the Czech Parliament, Petr Pithart, and several signatories of Charta '77, together with historians and journalists.

Czechoslovak citizens in the former Soviet Union

The Institute for Contemporary History, ASCR, in collaboration with Slezské zemské muzeum arranged a meeting on 20. 2. 2002 concerning results of a research project, which identify the forms and dimensions of persecution of Czechoslovak citizens in the former Soviet Union. This research project was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Junior Grants

The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic has formed a completely new programme named Junior Grants, which should provide to good researchers in the beginning of their careers entirely new prospects. This programme replaces two current standard categories of grants for the young, both junior standard grants and complementary post-doctorate grants.

A technological profile of the Czech Republic

A technological profile of the Czech Republic is the database of the Czech Republic's innovation potential. On the occasion of the Week of Research, Development and innovation in the Czech Republic 4. 12. 2001 the multi-media CD-ROM Technological Profile CR - version 03 was "baptized". An updated version of the database can be found at

Innovation 2001

The Week of Research, Development and Innovation in the Czech Republic took place on 4.-10. 12. 2001. The Firm IDOS Prague was given the award Innovation 2001 for its product Technology TERMIDOS - the treatment of contaminated waste by PCB.

Renewable resources

The specifications of the Czech Republic are included within renewable resources for the potentials of water, wind, sunshine, biomass and geothermal energy and environmental heat. The largest benefit is assumed in biomass.

Culture and society

The Institute of Ethnology, ASCR

The foyer of the ASCR main office houses an exhibition about science and research sponsored by the Institute of Ethnology, ASCR, since 18. 3. 2002.

The ASCR Chamber Orchestra

The ASCR Chamber Orchestra has been practicing and performing concerts on the second floor of the ASCR main office buildIng. Their programme is listed on


The versatility of the worlds of science, or else about human happiness - an interview with Cyril Höschl.

Portraits from the archives

Václav Novotný (5. 9. 1869 - 14. 7. 1932)

A portrait of the Václav Novotný, professor of Czech history first at the Philosophy Faculty of the Czech University then later at Charles University and also Dean of the Philosophy Faculty in 1918-1919. In his scientific work he very early focused on the Hussite era, Master Jan Hus, religion history and gradually encompassing ancient Czech history.


The Jan Evangelista Purkyně discipline medal of merit in biological sciences was awarded to MUDr. Jan Bureš, DrSc.

The Jan Evangelista Purkyně discipline medal of merit in biological sciences was awarded to MUDr. Jan Bureš, DrSc., a member of the Institute of Physiology, ASCR. MUDr. Bureš is the only Czech scientist living in the Czech Republic who is an honorary member of the National Academy of Sciences USA.