News and press releases

5. 11. 2019

CEITEC is Bringing Responsible Leadership to Workplace Through Mindfulness

Press Release, 5. 11. 2019 A group of 24 scientific leaders, including two ERC grant holders, 16 principal investigators, and six scientific managers, participated last week in one of the first two Search Inside…

5. 11. 2019

CEITEC BUT is Looking for a New Research Group Leader

Access to state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure, the support of up to € 250,000 and regular consultations with business professionals. This unique opportunity is being offered to a researcher with a clear vision of…

29. 10. 2019

Scientists from CEITEC Shed Light on Significant Connection Between Two…

Press Release, 29.10.2019 Scientist Marketa Zdarska, together with her colleague Abigail R. Cuyacot, as well as other colleagues from the Jan Hejatko Research Group at CEITEC Masaryk University, recently published the…


Conference Out of CEITEC

Boosting Innovation Tour conference

from 19. 11. 2019 to 19. 11. 2019

We are involved