anotace a program
The international and interdisciplinary conference Discourse of Republicanism: Common European Legacy since the Early Modern Period? organized jointly by Historický ústav Akademie věd ČR a nakladatelství, Filosofický ústav Akademie věd České republiky and Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR has been completely transformed to the online regime.
Hence, you can join our sessions via the application ZOOM (there are two different links for each day of the conference):
ZOOM link Day 1:
ZOOM link Day 2:
Even if you are not active participant of our conference and you will thus not present a paper, you are warmly welcome to join us, listen to the lectures and to take part in the chat discussion (your possible written questions will be presented by the chairmen).
Please find more information about the conference and its panels in the detailed programme whose basic schedule you can see also below:
Day 1 (6th November)
9.00 Opening of the conference
9.15 Keynote lecture by Quentin Skinner
10.45 Panel I: Machiavelli and Republicanism
13.30 Panel II: Republicanism in Western Early Modern Europe
15.30 Panel III: Republicanism in the Central European Tradition
Day 2 (7th November)
9.00 Panel IV: Republicanism as a Theoretical Concept
12.30 Panel V: Republicanism as a Matter of Political Philosophy
15.30 Panel VI: Other Europe? Forgotten Republican Traditions