Marita Thomas
Mohammad Hassan Farshbaf Shaker, Dirk Peschka, Sven Tornquist, Andrea Zafferi
Andrea Eismann
Upcoming Events:
Marita Thomas
Mohammad Hassan Farshbaf Shaker, Dirk Peschka, Sven Tornquist, Andrea Zafferi
Andrea Eismann
Upcoming Events:
- "MA4M: Mathematical Analysis for Mechanics" (23rd -- 25th November 2020) within the Thematic Einstein Semester, winter term 2020/21
- GAMM 2021, 91st Annual GAMM Meeting, Kassel, 15th -- 19th March, 2021
Section S11 ”Interfacial flows” organised by Markus Scholle (Hochschule Heilbronn), Dirk Peschka (WIAS Berlin)
Section S14 ”Applied analysis” organised by Dorothee Knees (University of Kassel), Marita Thomas (WIAS Berlin/ University of Kassel)
- Past Events:
- "Kick-off Conference" (26. -- 30. Oktober 2020) within the Thematic Einstein Semester, winter term 2020/21
- "Student Compact Course" (12th -- 23rd October 2020) within the Thematic Einstein Semester, winter term 2020/21
- PDE 2019: Partial Differential Equations in Fluids and Solids, WIAS Berlin, 9th -- 13rd September, 2019
- A. Münch (University of Oxford) and D. Peschka (Weierstrass Group) organised the minisymposium ”Recent advances in understanding suspensions and granular media flow” at the 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019) in Valencia, Spain, 15th -- 19th July, 2019.
- From 1st June to 31st July, 2019, Luca Heltai, (SISSA, Trieste) was a visitor of the Weierstrass Group and researched on the subject of FEM-based discretization methods.
- On 31st January and 1st February, 2019, the kickoff meeting of the ECMI Special Interest Group ”Modelling, Simulation and Optimization in Electrical Engineering” took place at WIAS; the meeting was organised by Nella Rotundo (RG1), Patricio Farrell (RG3) and Dirk Peschka (Weierstrass Group).
- Analysis of Evolutionary and Complex Systems (ALEX2018), 24th -- 28th September, 2018
- thermodynamically consistent modeling of bulk-interface interaction with dissipative, Hamiltonian, and coupled dynamics,
- theory for the existence and qualitative properties of solutions,
- derivation and justification of interfacial processes and coupling conditions.
- dissipative processes in elastic solids with bulk-interface interaction (M. Thomas, S. Tornquist), such as e.g. damage, fracture, plastification,
- optoelectronic processes in semiconductor devices (M. Thomas, D. Peschka),
- viscous flows with free boundaries and contact lines (D. Peschka, M. H. Farshbaf Shaker, M. Thomas, A. Zafferi).

Research goal of the group is the development of mathematical methods for systems with bulk-interface processes for theThe analytical results form the basis for the development of numerical algorithms supporting simulations for applications with bulk-interface interaction.
Currently, the following applications are treated within the group:
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Mechanical stresses and progression of damage for a tension test with a notched bar using a BV-regularized damage model | Cross-section through a laser-device: The optically active germanium region displays the hole currents (colors) and the contour lines of the main mode (red lines) | P1 FEM solution of free boundary problem showing thin droplets sliding down an inclined plane |

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