The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports issues guideline for all project promoters of the supported research projects in the Czech-Norwegian research program CZ09 (code 7F14xxx), that will submit a request for the payment of 2017 to prove that they have spent the previous payment provided in 2016 of at least 70% per project.
The condition of spending at least 70% of the institutional support paid in the previous year is set out in the Programme Agreement.
The project promoters request the payment when the research project did not spend at least 70% (up to 100%) of the previous payment.
The payment request will not be applied by the project promoters when the research project already met this condition during the calendar year of 2016 proved in the project periodic report.
How to prove at least 70% utilization of institutional support in the research project and apply for the payment in 2017?
1. The payment request for 2017 in the Czech-Norwegian Research Programme CZ09
The project promoter applies for the payment via a written request signed by the statutory, or authorized person. Therefore, the signatory of the request is the statutory person, or the authorized person of the project promoter.
The project promoter will mail the request in Czech and in a paper format to the address of the Programme Operator: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Karmelitska 5, 118 12 Prague 1.
The addressee is the Director of the Department of Strategic Programs and Projects - 33 (Mr. Ing. Jiří Burgstaller, DiS.).
In this application on the letterhead of the recipient state obligatorily particular:
- the identification code - 7F14XXX,
- the full name of the research project in Czech,
- the requested amount of institutional support for 2017 (see Annex no. 2 of the project contract),
- a common date of achievement / exceeding of the 70% threshold of the payment of 2016 (this date is also referred to in Annex I and III - see below),
- method of verification of expenditures incurred by the Norwegian project partner.
2. Mandatory annexes related to the payment request for 2017 in the Czech-Norwegian Research Programme CZ09
a) Annex I - Project Interim Financial Report
- Annex I will be signed by the statutory, or an attorney of the project promoter, and stamped.
- The amounts are presented in Czech Crowns (CZK).
b) Annex II - Report on Actual Expenditure for incurred, ie. set of analytical accounting record) of the project promoter and a Czech project partner.
- There is written a full name of the responsible person in capital letters, including his/her signature, the stamp of the project promoter / Czech project partner in annex II.
- Amounts are in Czech Crowns (CZK).
- If there cannot be generated one record for the whole period, accounting records have to be merged in a table in which the individual accounting items (categories) are clearly associated with items of the project budget in the financial annex I (such as personal expenditure 5011, 5021, 5031, 5032 with A1. Personnel Costs; accounting item 5173 with A2. Travel Allowances and subsistence, etc.).
- No template.
c) Annex III - Financial Statement by Norwegian Partner
- There is written a full name of the responsible person in capital letters including his/her signature, the stamp of the Norwegian project partner in annex III.
- Amounts are in Norwegian kroner (NOK) and in øre (two decimals).
- The project promoter indicates in the request (see above) how was the data verified.
- The total amount of the expenditure of the Norwegian project partner in Annex III must comply with Annex I.
- The annex may be a copy.
d) Annex IV - Letter of Attorney of the authorized person at the project promoter on the letterhead (if applicable). No template.
The procedure of filling out the financial annexes regarding the payment request for 2017 is identical with filling out the annexes of the project periodic report – PPR (besides submission of the text of the PPR).
The payment of 2017 will be transferred to the project promoter's bank account within 60 days after approval of the request by the Programme Operator, if the project promoter meets obligations towards the Programme Operator resulting from the project contract (in particular, the delivery of the project periodic reports).
Annexes and this guideline are available for download below:
Annex I Project interim financial report 70%_CZ09_template.xls, soubor
typu xls, (739,5 kB)
Annex III Financial Statement by Norwegian Partner 70%_CZ09_template.xls,
soubor typu xls, (689 kB)
Guideline on payment request 2017_CZ09.pdf, soubor typu pdf, (206,75
The payment request will be submitted to the Programme Operator without an undue delay. The payment for 2017 will be held in accordance with Annex no. 2 of the current project contract.
Any changes in the overall level of institutional support /or total eligible project costs in the given calendar year requires a change in the project contract (annex 2). The Programme Operator highly recommends the request for the change of the project contract before the payment is transferred due to faster and simpler processing.
The Programme Operator also strongly recommends to use up all the payments received in the previous years.