Role of peroxy radicals in atmosphere and combustion chemistry

Grant Agency
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry.
Year from
Year to
In this project, we will investigate the chemistry of small peroxy radicals (CH3O2 and C2H5O2) under atmospheric and possibly combustion conditions. Therefore, this project will combine the expertise of the Lille group in time resolved measurements of unstable species with the expertise of the Prague group in high resolution spectroscopy. The Prague group is very well equipped with lasers covering a large wavelength range and will measure the highly resolved spectra of these radicals in the near infrared. Thereafter, the most appropriate wavelength range for time resolved detection in different chemical systems in Lille can be decided on. In fact, the Lille group uses so-called DFB lasers in their cw-CRDS set-up. DFBs are small, relatively cheap diodes. The problem with these lasers is, that they cover only a small wavelength range. Therefore, one needs to precisely the wavelength range appropriate for the experiments before buying the laser.
23, 011 (suterén), 08 (přízemí)
3636, 3206, 3155