FZU in Media

New Invention to Prevent Future Fukushima


It is almost a decade since the Fukushima nuclear disaster sent shockwaves around the world, and triggered a mass shift aware from nuclear power due to safety concerns. Since then Japanese scientists have been working with scientists in the US and Europe to find ways of preventing any future recurrence. A European team at the Czech Academy of Scientists believe they now have a solution that has received EU-wide patent protection.

The World´s Largest Astrophysics Array 20th Anniversary


This year marks the 20th anniversary since the founding agreement of the international Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina has been signed. The celebration ceremony that took place last week in Malargüe was attended not only by a delegation of Czech scientists but also by the Czech Ambassador in Argentina Karel Beran.

Study points to better graphene-based biosensors


The results provide a new understanding of interfacial interactions and molecule-specific signatures of DNA/RNA nucleobases on graphene, as well as specific opportunities to improve the design of current electrochemical sensing devices. This has exciting potential for graphene-based biosensors and end-users in fields from medicine to forensics to technology.