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New Faculty Members and Researchers at CERGE-EI

6 September, 2019

With the new academic year approaching, we are excited to welcome several new CERGE faculty members and Economics Institute researchers. Earlier this year, the hiring committee of the joint workplace (CERGE-EI) reviewed almost 400 applications from the international job market, and we are happy to announce one new tenure-track assistant professor, another one in due course, and one new postdoctoral fellow joining our international community.

Ole Jann, Ph.D. (tenure-track faculty position) is an applied economic theorist with broad interests. Much of his research focuses on the role of information in the economy and society. His work is primarily motivated by getting deep theoretical insights into important practical topics, such as debate, privacy, coordination, or rumors. Ole has already been awarded a prestigious Charles University PRIMUS grant (from January 2020).

Paolo Zacchia, Ph.D. (part-time visiting faculty position, tenure-track position expected in due course) is an applied microeconomist who explores questions about productivity, innovation, the input-output structure of the economy, and economic geography. He is especially eager to pursue projects with macroeconomic and policy implications. Another theme of his work is the adoption of ideas about networks in order to provide a finer-grained characterization of microeconomic interactions. He has also developed a side interest in the econometrics of networks.

Pavel Kocourek, Ph.D. is joining us as a Postdoctoral Fellow on Jakub Steiner’s ERC grant. Having received his Ph.D. from New York University, Pavel specializes in Game Theory, Industrial Organization, and Stochastic Optimization.

We wish all of them a smooth start at CERGE-EI!

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