WIAS Software
Within the framework of the mathematical research at WIAS, scientific software is developed, which is used in the scientific cooperation projects and also licensed to users from science and industry. (contact: Dr. Torsten Koehler). Currently the following packages are developed and maintained.
WIAS-ALEA - Framework for high-dimensional functional Uncertainty Quantification

ALEA is a free python library for research in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ). Its focus is on functional spectral approximations on the basis of polynomial chaos and on the treatment of high-dimensional discretisations. For this, methods for adaptive sparse grid quadrature and low-rank approximations based on hierarchical tensors are incorporated.
awc - Adaptive weights clustering

AWC is an open source python package containing implementation of the novel non-parametric clustering algorithm Adaptive Weights Clustering. The method is fully automatic and does not require to specify the number of clusters or their structure. The procedure is numerically feasible and applicable for high dimensional datasets.
aws - Adaptive weights smoothing

aws is a contributed package within the R-Project for Statistical Computing that contains a reference implementation of the adaptive weights smoothing algorithms for local constant likelihood and local polynomial regression models. Binaries for several operating systems are available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network.
BALaser for the simulation of dynamics in broad-area semiconductor lasers

This software is used for simulations of the nonlinear dynamics in high-power edge-emitting (B)road-(A)rea semiconductor (Laser)s. It integrates numerically the laterally extended dynamic traveling wave model (one and two dimensional PDE), executes different data post-processing routines, and visualises the obtained data.
BOP - A Simulator for Large-Scale Process Engineering Problems

The simulator BOP (Block Orientend Process Simulator) is a software package for steady-state, transient and Monte Carlo simulation of large-scale problems from process engineering. The simulation concept is based on a divide-and-conquer strategy which is efficiently applicable on parallel computers with shared memory.
ddfermi - drift diffusion simulation tool

ddfermi is a software prototype which simulates drift diffusion processes in classical and organic semiconductors. It uses a finite volume discretization of the basic semiconductor equations as well as thermodynamically consistent, state-of-the-art flux approximations.
DiPoG - Direct and Inverse Problems for Optical Gratings

Based on coupled generalized finite/boundary elements and gradient type optimization methods this program package provides simulation and optimization of periodic diffractive structures with multilayer stacks.
WIAS R-packages for imaging / neuroscience

At WIAS a number of R-packages for image processing are developed focussing on structural adaptive smoothing methods. Applications range from digital color images via functional magnetic resonance imaging to diffusion weighted imaging.
LDSL-tool for the simulation of longitudinal dynamics in semiconductor lasers

This software is used to investigate and to design multi-section lasers which exhibit various nonlinear dynamical effects such as self-pulsations, chaos, hysteresis, mode switching, excitability, and synchronization to an external signal frequency.
WIAS-MeFreSim - 3D-Simulation of Multifrequency Induction Hardening

Simulation of multi-frequency induction hardening for arbitrary workpiece geometries in 3D. The software uses the finite element method for Maxwell's equations based on edge elements, adaptive grid generation and efficient solvers for the linearized systems of partial differential equations.
ParMooN - Mathematics and object-oriented Numerics

ParMooN solves equations from Computational Fluid Mechanics, as convection-diffusion equations, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and systems consisting of these types of equations, on the basis of finite element discretizations and implicit time stepping schemes.
pdelib - a FVM and FEM toolbox for PDEs

The toolbox pdelib has been developed for solving partial differential equations in one, two and three dimensions. It includes a grid generator, iterative and direct solvers for systems of equations, an online graphics package and interfaces to packages of other institutes and companies.
WIAS-TeSCA for two and three dimensional semi-conductor analysis

Augmented by a vast variety of additional physical phenomena playing a role in the operation of specialized semiconductor devices, WIAS-TeSCA serves to simulate numerically the charge carrier transport in semiconductor devices based upon the drift-diffusion model.
TetGen - a Delaunay Tetrahedral Mesh Generator

TetGen is a program for generating tetrahedral meshes from three-dimensional domains. One of its main applications is to generate suitable meshes for numerically solving PDEs by finite element and finite volume methods. TetGen uses Delaunay-based algorithms which have theoretical guarantees on mesh quality and mesh size.