Martin Bojda, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
Research interests:
Enlightenment, idealism and romanticism, philosophy of art and aesthetics, philosophy of history and culture, cultural and intellectual history
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Ph.D. – Contemporary European History, Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, 2019
Ph.D. – German and French Philosophy, Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, 2018
Mgr. – European Cultural and Spiritual History, Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, 2015
Mgr. – German and French Philosophy, Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, 2015
Bc. – Combined Art Studies, Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, 2013
Scholarships and research stays:
2019 – Vienna (1 month)
2019 – František Topič Foundation's scholarship
2018 – Roma (1 month)
2017-2018 – Leipzig (1 semester)
2017 – Hamburg (1 month)
2016-2017 – grant from the Grant Agency of the Charles University (one month's stays in Paris, Marbach, Marburg and Göttingen)
2016 – Hamburg (1 semester)
2016 – Josef Hlávka Award
2015 – Munich (1 month, scholarship of the German-Czech Historical Commission)
2014-2015 – Vienna (1 semester, Aktion scholarship)
2014 – grant from the Grant Agency of the Charles University (one month's stays in Heidelberg and Leipzig)
2012-2013 – Leipzig (2 semesters in Leipzig)
2012 – Bayreuth (1 week, scholarship of the Richard Wagner-Verband International)
since 2016 - external teaching at the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University
Bojda, Martin. Goethe´s Phenomenology. Prague: Togga, 2019. 1248 p. (in print)
Bojda, Martin. Theodicy of Nature. Lessing, Reimarus, Goeze. Prague: Togga, 2017. 564 p.
Bojda, Martin. Hölderlin und Heidegger. Freiburg and München: Alber Verlag, 2016. 424 p. (also as an e-book)
Bojda, Martin. Schleiermacher´s Theory of Mediation. Prague: Togga, 2015. 288 p.
Bojda, Martin. Herder´s Philosophy of Culture. Praha: Togga, 2015. 924 p.
Studies in peer-review journals & books
Bojda, Martin. The Unity of the Senses between the Principles of Nature and Grace in Malebranche, Comenius and Leibniz. In: Horský, Jan, Lenka Martinec Nováková and Vít Pokorný (eds.). The Anthropology od Senses. Prague: Togga, 2019, p. 55-79.
Bojda, Martin. The Rationalism of the Revelation: The Harmony of Nature and Grace According to Andreas Weber. In: Yearbook for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research VIII. (Eds. Ladislav Benyovszky and Josef Matoušek) Prague: Togga, 2018, p. 85-130.
Bojda, Martin. Karl Jaspers: Philosophy of Communication and Communication of History. In: Pecková, Barbora, Lucie Rajlová and Jiří Pešek (eds.). History born from the Interview. Interview in the Research of Contemporary History. Prague: Charles University, 2017, p. 192-217.
Bojda, Martin. Historicity and Humanity in Bloch´s Version of Marxismus. In: Ostium. Year 14, 2018, Nr. 3. (Unpaginated, 22 standard pages.)
Bojda, Martin. The Philosophy of Poetry in Wagner´s Lohengrin. In: Yearbook for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research VII. (Eds. Ladislav Benyovszky and Josef Matoušek) Prague: Togga, 2017, p. 197-253.
Bojda, Martin. ,,Joy through Suffering“. Art as a Phenomenology of Humanity. (To Romain Rolland´s 150th birthday) In: Yearbook for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research VI. (Ed. Ladislav Benyovszky) Prague: Togga, 2016, p. 268-294.
Bojda, Martin. Crusius´ Foundation of Historicity as a Proces sof Self-Cultivation in the contexts of the German Enlightenment. In: History, Theory, Critics. (Year 13, Nr. 1) Prague: Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University, 2016, p. 74-92.
Bojda, Martin. The Idea of University according to Karl Jaspers. In: Urban People. (Year 18, Nr. 3) Prague: Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University, 2016, p. 325-353.
Bojda, Martin. The Dialectics between Non-Identity and Immanence. Lukács, Bloch and Adorno about Marx´ Theory of Historical Mediation. In: The Philosophical Journal, Nr. 3. Prague: Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2015, p. 397-413.
Bojda, Martin. ,,Choir of Humanity“: Chesterton, Kierkegaard, Verdi and Wagner about the Music of the Strings. In: Dieter Petzold (ed.). Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik. Vol. 31. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 2014, p. 242-259.
Bojda, Martin. The Art as a Revolution. Richard Wagner´s Philosophical Roots with Regard to the Romantic Opera Lohengrin. In: Hans-Jürgen Lachmann (ed.): Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien. Leipzig: Passage-Verlag, 2013, p. 44-52.
Bojda, Martin. Outline of a Phenomenological Interpretation of Wagner´s Tannhäuser. In: Opus musicum. Year 44, Nr. 4, Brno, 2012, p. 37-49.