Ph.D. Positions in Mathematics at RWTH Aachen University

Our profile

Applications are invited for several doctoral positions in mathematics within the Research Training Group Energy, Entropy, and Dissipative Dynamics at RWTH Aachen University, starting

        November 1, 2020.

The program will provide doctoral researchers with a high-quality education in analysis, modeling, and numerics in the fields of nonlinear partial differential equations and applied mathematics. Carefully selected research projects—tied together by the use of energy and/or entropy functionals and their dissipation mechanisms as a tool for understanding the properties of the system and the admissible dynamics—will introduce doctoral researchers to relevant and challenging topics at the forefront of current mathematical research.

Employment will be for three years. Doctoral researchers will be employed in accordance with the collective agreement TV-L, which in particular specifies the salary. The positions are funded by German Research Foundation (DFG).

Your profile

We are looking for highly motivated, excellent candidates with strong mathematical skills and interest in applied mathematics. Applicants must hold a master’s or equivalent degree in mathematics or a related field. Knowledge in numerics of hyperbolic or kinetic equations and/or analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations is required, as is fluency in both written and spoken English.

Your responsibilities

Doctoral researchers will work on a numerical or theoretical research project, participate in the activities of the Research Training Group, and pursue a doctoral degree. Applications must be written in English or German and should be emailed to,

containing in a single .pdf-file the

  • completed application form (download here),
  • cover letter explaining motivation,
  • curriculum vitae,
  • summary of master’s thesis,
  • transcript (list of all courses including grades),
  • and copies of degree certificates.

Applicants are asked to inform themselves beforehand about the spectrum of possible Ph.D. topics (see here) and to state and explain their preferences in their cover letter. Additionally, two letters of recommendation by senior scientists, commenting on the applicant’s qualifications, should be sent directly to the email address above.

Applications can be submitted anytime.

As the Research Training Group aims to promote excellent female doctoral researchers, female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Additional information

Prof. Dr. Michael Westdickenberg
Prof. Dr. Michael Herty

Job location: 
RWTH Aachen University
Templergraben 55
52062 Aachen
Contact and application information
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Contact name: 
Michael Westdickenberg