Privacy Policy in accordance with GDPR

This text is a direct translation of the original Privacy Policy in German (link). However, for legal purposes, only the German version is binding.

Thank you for visiting the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB) website and for the interest you have shown in the scientific landscape of Berlin. Below you will find detailed information about how your data is handled.

In compliance with the applicable data protection laws, we process personal data that is collected when you visit our websites. We will not publish your data or disclose it to any third parties without authorization. In the following sections, we explain which data we collect when you visit our websites, and exactly how this data is used.

I. Name and address of the controller

The controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation, other national data protection legislation of the Member States and other data protection legislation is:

Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Rudower Chaussee 17.
12489 Berlin.
Tel. +49 30 63923300

represented by the Executive Board of Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.:
Professor Dr. Michael Hintermüller, Executive Board Spokesman and Director of WIAS;
Dr. Manuela Urban, Executive Board Member and Managing Director of Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.

II. Name and address of the Data Protection Officer

The controller’s Data Protection Officer is:

Johannes Höper
Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Rudower Chaussee 17
12489 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 63923311

III. General information about data processing

1. Scope of personal data processing

As a general rule, we only process personal data concerning our users where necessary in order to provide a functional website and to provide our content and services. Personal data concerning our users will only be processed regularly if the user has given his or her consent. An exemption applies in such cases where it is impossible, for reasons of fact, to gain prior consent and the processing of data is permitted by law.

2. Legal basis for personal data processing

Where we obtain the consent of the data subject for processing procedures, Article 6(1)(a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) serves as the legal basis.

When processing personal data that is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party, Article 6(1)(b) GDPR serves as the legal basis. The same applies for processing procedures that are necessary in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

Where it is necessary to process personal data for compliance with a legal obligation that FVB must meet, Article 6(1)(c) GDPR serves as the legal basis.

In the event that the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person require the processing of personal data, Article 6(1)(d) GDPR serves as the legal basis.

If processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by FVB or by a third party and if the aforementioned interests are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject, then Article 6(1)(f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing.

3. Erasure of data and storage period

The personal data concerning the data subject will be erased or made unavailable as soon as the purpose of storage ceases to apply. Data may also be stored where provision has been made for this by European or national legislators in Union regulations, laws or other provisions to which FVB is subject. Data will also be made unavailable or erased where a storage period prescribed by the aforementioned legislation expires, unless there is a need for the further retention of the data for the purpose of entering into or performing a contract.

IV. Provision of the website and creation of log files

Every time our website is visited, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the requesting computer in so-called log files.

The following data is collected in this connection and stored in our systems’ log files:

  • Date and time of access
  • User’s IP address
  • Websites called up from the user’s system via our website
  • Websites from which the user’s system reached our website
  • Information about the browser type and version
  • Information about the user’s operating system
  • Information about the user’s internet service provider

This data will not be stored together with other personal data concerning the user.

Data is stored in log files in order to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, the data serves the purpose of optimizing the website, of eliminating any possible malfunctions and of preserving the security of our information technology systems.

Log file data is usually deleted after seven days at the latest. If FVB has to store log file data for a longer period due to technical requirements or security aspects, users’ IP addresses are deleted or modified to prevent their identification.

Such storage is essential and cannot be objected to by the user.

The legal basis for the storage of data and log files is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

V. Use of cookies

1. Description and scope of data processing

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in the internet browser or by the internet browser on the user’s computer system. When a user requests a website, a cookie can be stored on the user’s operating system. This cookie contains a characteristic string that enables the browser to be uniquely identified when you next visit the website.

2. Essential cookies

We use cookies to make our website more user-friendly. Some elements of our website require that the requesting browser can also be identified after changing to a different website.

In the process, the cookies store and transmit the following data:

  • Language settings;
  • Log-in information (session data);
  • These two cookies are deleted when you close the session. No user profiles are created by essential cookies. The legal basis for the use of such cookies can be found in Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

    3. Non-essential cookies

    Our Institute does not analyse user’s surfing behavior. Therefore we don’t use non-essential cookies

    VI. Web analytics


    When requesting our websites, the user is notified of this type of data collection. You may of course object to data being collected by the central server. For this purpose, enable the “Do Not Track” setting in your browser. As long as this setting is enabled, our server will not store any data concerning you whatsoever. Note: the Do Not Track instruction usually only applies for the device and the browser in which you enabled the setting. If you use several devices/browsers, then you must enable the Do Not Track function separately for each one.

    Duration of storage, possibility of objection and removal

    Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and transmitted from there to our website. As the user, you therefore have full control over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your internet browser, you can disable or restrict the transmission of cookies. Cookies that have already been stored can be deleted at any time. This can also take place automatically. If cookies are disabled for our website, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the website.

    VII. Data transmission

    Your personal data will only be transmitted to state institutions and authorities when required by legislation or for the purpose of prosecution for attacks on our network infrastructure. Data will not be disclosed to third parties for any other purpose.

    VIII. Rights of the data subject

    If personal data concerning you is processed, you are the data subject within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and have the following rights vis-à-vis the controller – unless statutory exceptions apply in specific cases:

    • Withdrawal of consent (Article 7(3) GDPR)
    • Access (Article 15 GDPR)
    • Rectification (Article 16 GDPR)
    • Erasure (Article 17(1) GDPR)
    • Restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR)
    • Data portability (Article 20 GDPR)
    • Objection to processing (Article 21 GDPR)
    • Lodging of a complaint with the supervisory authority (Article 77 GDPR)Widerruf der Einwilligung (Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO)

    For Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V., the supervisory authority is: The Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Friedrichstr. 219, 10969 Berlin, Germany.