Dr. Marita Thomas

Weierstrass Institute
for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Mohrenstraße 39
D-10117 Berlin
Phone:  ++49(0) 30 20372 305
Fax:  ++49(0) 30 20372 311
Email:  marita.thomas-please remove this text-@wias-berlin.de

Marita Thomas
Since April 2017 Head of the Weierstrass group Bulk-Interface Processes at the Weierstrass Institute.
Winter term 19/20 Substitute professorship for Analysis at the University of Kassel.
Jan. 2010-March 2017 Member of the research group Partial Differential Equations at the Weierstrass Institute.
Since March 2016 representative of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) at Weierstrass Institute.
Jan. 13-Dec. 15 Member of the GAMM Juniors; elected speaker of the GAMM Juniors in 2015.
Sept. 11-Sept. 12 Fellowship in the program Leibniz-Mentoring of the Leibniz Association.
Jan. 07-Dec. 09 PhD student in the RTG 1128 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke.
Apr. 06-Dec.  06 Research fellow at the Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation, University of Stuttgart.
Project C5 Stress singularites in heterogeneous materials, SFB 404 Multifield Problems in Continuum Mechanics.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. A.-M. Sändig.
Oct. 01-Apr.  06 Study of Mathematics (Diplom, application: chemistry) at the University of Stuttgart.
Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. A.-M. Sändig.

Scientific interests

Current Projects

Former Projects

Publications & Preprints

Talks & Presentations

Organization of Schools, Workshops & Minisymposia


Last modified: 2019-12-09 by Marita Thomas