Gender Equality

WIAS is committed to the implementation of the legally binding German policies and standards to achieve the goal of gender equality. The institute aims to increase, step by step and in a sustainable way, the percentage of women in scientific and leadership positions by facilitating their access and promotion to these positions as well as by encouraging its female employees to participate in specific professional development schemes. WIAS also supports the reconciliation of work, care, and family life and promotes a family-friendly working atmosphere. At WIAS, gender equality is a management task.

A Plan of action on gender equality for the years 2020-2023 (in German only) was concluded to achieve the above goals.

The institute's management is supported in gender policies by an elected and appointed equal opportunities commissioner and her deputy.

Equal Opportunities Commissioner:
Andrea Eismann
Secretariat of RG 1
Mohrenstrasse 39, room 310
Phone: (030) 20372-320
Image eismann_a   Deputy Equal Opportunities Commissioner:
Jutta Lohse
Sekretary of the Director
Mohrenstrasse 39, Room 106
Phone: (030) 20372-586
Image Jutta_Lohse

Consultations: Monday and Friday: 8.00-15.00

The Equal Opportunities Commissioners advise and support staff at the institute in individual cases, particularly with regard to

  • equal opportunities for women and men
  • reconciliation of work and family life
  • protection from sexual harassment