This study presents an analysis of the characteristics, opinions and attitudes of regional elites in the Czech Republic. It is based on an empirical survey conducted in the autumn of 2004, just before the elections to the regional assemblies were held. The study looks at political, administrative, economic and cultural elites, focusing especially on how regional elites evaluate the functioning and the developmental potential of the regions, and on their willingness to cooperate with other actors. The study also attempts to reveal and describe the kinds of issues that the elected regional representatives and the regional administration must face. The first part of the study centres on an analysis of the social and economic background of the regional elites, their professional and political careers, value preferences, expressions of trust, and their attitudes towards social issues generally. The study is part of the outcome of the research project “The Effect of Political Culture and Socio-Economic and Institutional Factors on Differences in the Way the Czech Regions Function”.

Kostelecký, Tomáš, Jana Vobecká (eds.)
Regionální elity 2004
Kostelecký, Tomáš, Jana Vobecká (eds.). 2005. Regionální elity 2004. Sociologické studie / Sociological Studies 05:03. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. 152 s. ISBN 80-7330-074-5.
politics (and political attitudes)
public administration
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