The aim of the article is to capture the most important hermeneutical aspects of Husserl’s thinking, to display them in their mutual relatedness, and to draw attention to the fact that the development of hermeneutics drew significantly on the work of Husserl and can be seen as a continuation of his endeavour by other means. The author focuses on an evaluation of the hermeneutical sense of selected aspects of Husserl’s phenomenology, rather than on a detailed discussion of its inner evolution. The article summarises the contexts of Husserl’s move from a static phenomenology to a genetically-orientated phenomenological analysis. As an introductory phase of the move in question, the conception of the motivated perception of the Ideas of a Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy II is presented. Subsequently the author, on the basis of the main works of the late Husserl, characterises the conception of the genetical phenomenology and analyses its main concepts: the concept of passive genesis, and especially the concept of horizon. In the conclusion of the article the connection between Husserl’s conception of genetical phenomenology and the position of hermeneutical phenomenology is sketched, as it is gradually formulated by M. Heidegger, H.-G. Gadamer and P. Ricoeur.
Peer-reviewed journal article
Ďurďovič, Martin
Hermeneutické aspekty Husserlovy fenomenologie
Ďurďovič, Martin. 2013. „Hermeneutické aspekty Husserlovy fenomenologie.“ Filosofický časopis 61 (2): 207-228. ISSN 0015-1831.
history of sociology
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