- Magnetic susceptibility meter for asteroid regolith composition studies (MSM) , ESA , Tomáš Kohout
- High-resolution oristic changes as a response to climatic dynamics during the Late Palaeozoic ice age recorded in the basins of the Bohemian Massif , GACR , Jiří Bek
- Origin and characteristic of mantle and core rocks , AVČR , Martin Svojtka
- Quantitative analysis of quartz deformation affecting ASR in concrete , GACR , Tomáš Lokajíček
- Thermochronologic constraints on the evolution of eastern Magallanes foreland basin sediments. , MŠMT , Martin Svojtka
- Neolithic rondels from the perspective of micromorphologic and formative analysis , GACR , Lenka Lisá
- The fate of legacy mercury in forest ecosystems in the area of the Black Triangle, Czech Republic , GACR , Tomáš Navrátil
- Veselí nad Moravou – Medieval Castle in alluvial plain , GACR , Lenka Lisá
- Behaviour of geochemici „twins“ Al/Ga and Si/Ge in different type sof acid silicite melts , GACR , Karel Breiter
- Cryogenic cave carbonates: Mechanisms of formation and relationship to permafrost depth , GACR , Karel Žák