
Rural amenities transformation and its effects on the rural population

Project duration: 
2019 - 2021

The aim of the project is to provide knowledge on possible deficits of amenities in rural communities, as well as on the importance of such amenities for the local population. The project asks which groups would be hardest hit by loss of some amenities and assesses the function of alternative ways of supporting the availability and accessibility of rural amenities. These goals will be achieved through reports and publication outputs on the following topics: Which services and infrastructures represent the basic amenities in different types of rural communities? Where are important amenities lacking? How much and by which groups are amenities used? Which groups would be most affected by their loss? What alternative ways of ensuring rural amenities exist and what are their impacts?

Principal investigator: 
Univerzita Hradec Králové
Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj
Sdružení místních samospráv
urban and rural studies
standard of living
Grant agency: 
Technology agency of the Czech republic