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Restud Tour Summarized

22 June, 2018

CERGE-EI was proud to host the Review of Economic Studies Tour (Restud Tour) on 10-11 May, 2018. More than 170 guests from 25 countries joined the event. The two days were filled with presentations of and discussions with the seven speakers, all PhD candidates from leading US universities, selected by the Review of Economic Studies as the most promising young economists. CERGE-EI in Prague was their second stop, preceded by the Queen Mary University of London, and followed by the University of Copenhagen.

The speakers were Heather Sarsons (Harvard University), Molly Schnell (Princeton University), Ludwig Straub (Massachusets Institute of Technology), Jann Spiess (Harvard University) Harry Di Pei (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) David Y. Yang (Stanford University) and Giulia Brancaccio (Princeton University). Their presentations focused on a number of current issues, such as healthcare, the impact of limited public information on trade, labor income inequality, and political censorship.

The event brought a lot of inspiration not only to our faculty members, students and external guests, but also to the speakers themselves. Ludwig Straub said: “The European audiences definitely brought a new perspective to my projects. (...) Learning to see one’s own project through new eyes is definitely a very rewarding part of the Restud Tour”. David Y. Yang added: "The best part of the ReStud tour is certainly being able to meet people from various European institutions, having stimulating discussions on research, and getting to know and hang out with six other amazing people along the tour as well.“

The Restud Tour was established 20 years ago to encourage research in theoretical and applied economics, especially by young economists. Past speakers have included Steven Levitt, Susan Athey, Esther Duflo, Emmanuel Saez, Jonathan Levin, Amy Finkelstein, Raj Chetty, and Yuliy Sannikov, who later became winners of the Bates Clark Medal, one of the most prestigious awards in economics.

Read a short summary, including a short interview with speakers, on our Blog.

Pictures from the event can be found on Flickr.

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