Deadline for submission periodic reports of research projects:
A. Mandatory annexes I, II a III by January 31 2017
B. Project Periodic report and mandatory annexes IV and V by 30 June 2017 (previously 31 July 2017).
Annex IV is submitted in both deadlines, if relevant.
Number of reports in paper: 1 piece.
Formats of report: electronic (uploading to OpenKM) and paper (mail/personally). Both versions must be identical.
Project Periodic Report (hereinafter “PPR”) for the research projects supported from the Czech-Norwegian Research Programme CZ09 contains these documents and annexes:
1. Completed Project Periodic Report (PPR) – It contains original signatures of the statutory authority (or an attorney) and the principal investigator.
2. Mandatory annexes (also a summary table in the report form):
a) Annex I - Project Interim Financial Report. It applies to all entities. Use the template. It contains original signature of the statutory authority (or an attorney) and the principal investigator. The interim financial report is filled in in Czech Crowns (CZK).
b) Annex II - Report on Actual Incurred Expenditure. There is no template but it is a record in a national currency from an accounting system according to the practice of the organization. Sums relate to annex I. The annex contains a stamp of the organization, the name and original signature of the authorized person - e.g. the chief accountant/economist/bursar. It applies to the project promoter and all project partners only from the Czech Republic.
c) Annex III - Financial Statement by Norwegian Partner. Use the template. Annex III in Norwegian currency (NOK), analogy of so called form C under 7FP. It applies to Norwegian partners only. It contains the name and signature of a person authorized in financial matters of the organization and a stamp of the organization. A copy may be submitted.
d) Annex IV - Confidentiality Declaration by Evaluator. Use the template. It relates to each Annex V and contains evaluator´s signature. A copy may be submitted.
e) Annex V – Evaluation Report of the Project. Use the template. At least two evaluators’ opinions. To be completed in English only. It contains evaluator´s signature. A copy may be submitted.
f) Annex VI – Letter of Attorney (if applicable). There is no template in the report. To be used for signing the front page of PPR and annex I. Possibility in Czech language. A copy may be submitted.
3. Voluntary attachments at promoter´s discretion (annex VII – e.g. photos).
Revised on March 1st, 2017
CZ09.Periodic report, soubor typu zip, (1,92 MB)
For the projects started in 2015, in the first and second year of the project realization, there is no need of an interim peer review. The project promoter will provide min. 2 evaluation reports by independent evaluators in English. The Programme Operator approves PPR evaluators. A composition of evaluators may be international. Expenditures related to evaluation are paid by the project promoter from its own resources, not from institutional support (the grant).
Timesheets, invoices, receipts, bank statements, publications and articles, etc. are not a part of PPR. Timesheets are available for promoter´s possible need.
The project promoters deliver PPR. The paper version of the project periodic report (including all annexes) is disposed to the Ministry´s mailroom or via mail to the address of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Karmelitska 5, 118 12 Prague 1.
At the same time the project promoter uploads PPR electronically to the OpenKM system. The completed and signed form of PPR is uploaded to OpenKM system in word format (doc(x)). Annex I is uploaded in xls(x) and pdf format. Other documents are uploaded in pdf format (including the signed title pages).
Storage - electronic storage is used to upload PPR (including all annexes) in electronic form. Please go to:
The front page of PPR and Interim Financial Report (annex I) must be signed by the principal investigator, the statutory authority, or an attorney, of the project promoter. An attorney letter, of which basis the person signs the front page, must be annexed to PPR.
Štěpán Obrtlík
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Věra Krpcová Department of Strategic Programs and Projects - 33
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Veronika Macková
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
CZ09.Periodic report, soubor typu zip, (1,92