Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History

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    Continuous online reading from the works of John Amos Comenius called "Reading Comenius Universally", which starts on Saturday night, is an original way of commemorating 350 years since this thinker's death. Academics and enthusiasts promised to support this 24-hour initiative by their reading. Passages from Comenius's philosophical and educational treatises but also personal correspondence will be read in 17 languages, thus accentuating this thinker's world-wide renown.

    Stream video will be available at Comenius online Youtube channel.

    obr readingYou can find the detailed list of participating persons and time schedule here.

PhDr. Vladimír Urbánek, Ph.D.

foto PhDr. Vladimír Urbánek, Ph.D.

Head of the Department

Work position:  Senior researcher

Research Fields of Interest:
- 17th-century intellectual history
- learned communication in early modern Europe
- intellectual world of the post-White-Mountain exiles
- eschatological and millenarian thought
- J. A. Comenius, his life and work

místnostroom: 101a
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Education and Academic Qualification

-    2005: Ph.D. – Faculty of Philosophy, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic): PhD in General History, dissertation: Eschatologie, vědění a politika. Příspěvek k dějinám myšlení pobělohorského exilu [Eschatology, Knowledge and Politics: On the Intellectual History of the Post-White-Mountain Bohemian Exiles]
-    1988: PhDr. – Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague (Czechoslovakia): PhDr in History (rigorosum exam)
-    1981-1986: Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague (Czechoslovakia): MA in History, MA thesis: Strahovská kanonie v období josefinismu a na počátku národního obrození [Strahov Canonry in the Period of Josephinism and the Early Years of the National Revival]

Work Experience

-    Since 1990: Department for the Studies and Editing of Comenius' Work, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (before 1993 Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), Prague, Research Fellow, from 2012 Head of the department (now Department of Comenius' Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History)
-    1986–1990: Department of Comenius' Studies and History of Education and School System, J. A. Comenius' Institute of Education, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Research Assistant

Lectures and Mentoring

-    Examiner and opponent of MA theses at the Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, and PhD theses at the Protestant Theological Faculty, Faculty of Humanities (both of them Charles University), Faculty of Philosophy, Masaryk University and Faculty of Philosophy, Palacký University
-    2010: Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague, external lecturer, course on Intellectual World of the Post-White-Mountain Exiles and International Correspondence Networks
-    2008: Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague, part of the course on History – metahistory – narrative
-    2007: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, visiting lecturer, course on Religious Diasporas in Early Modern Europe: Exile, Coexistence, Cooperation, and Toleration
-    2004–2011, 2013–2014: Council on International Educational Exchange in cooperation with Charles University, external lecturer, course on Czech and Central European History
-    2002: Summer school organized by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, together with prof. N. Mout leader of the course „Prag um 1600: Kultur am Hof des Kaisers Rudolf II."
-    2000-2003: Seminar of general and comparative history, Institute of World History, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague, external lecturer, seminar on Modern historiography

Research Fields of Interest

-    17th-century intellectual history, learned communication in early modern Europe, intellectual world of the post-White-Mountain exiles, eschatological and millenarian thought, J. A. Comenius, his life and work

Selected Scholarships and Study Visits

May – July 2011: Warburg Institute, University of London, Mellon Research Fellowship
October 2010: University of Oxford, British Academy study visit
February 2003: Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig, study visit
October 1996 – January 1997: Warburg Institute, University of London, Mellon Research Fellowship
November 1992: University of Uppsala, Swedish Academy Fellowship

Research Grants and International Projects

- 2019–2022: Member of the research team of the LINDAT / CLARIAH-CZ project (sub-project MEMORI, coordinator of the Comenius online) supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, headed by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University (MFF UK)

- 2014-2018: Co-investigator of the project to support excellence in basic research Between the Renaissance and Baroque. Philosophy and Knowledge in the Czech Lands and their European context, supported by the Czech Science Foundation No. P401/14-37038G

- 2014–2018: Leader of the Czech team in the COST Action Project IS1310 Reassembling the Republic of Letters, 1500–1800: A digital framework for multi-lateral collaboration on Europe's intellectual history

- 2012–2015: leader of the internal project within the international cooperation support scheme, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Correspondence Networks between Central and Western Europe: From Comenius and Kircher to Hartlib and Oldenburg

- 2011–2014: Member of the research grant project P410/11/1201 GA ČR Jan Amos Comenius as a Site of Memory: Polyvalent Mnemonic Imagination and the (Re)Constructions of the Canon

- 2013–2014: guarantee of the Czech participation in the international project sponsored by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation: Collaborative Research Project Grant: Cultures of Knowledge: An Intellectual Geography of the Seventeenth-Century Republic of Letters, together with Prof. Howard Hotson (University of Oxford) a coordinator of the workshop and conference series and the main coordinator of the J. A. Comenius database project based in the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2009-2012; guarantee of the Czech participation in the second phase of the project Cultures of Knowledge: Networking the Republic of Letters, 1550–1750

- 2008–2010: leader of the research grant project IAA800090802 GA AV ČR Revelation, prophecy and eschatological expectations in Czech Protestant thought of the 17th century

- 2006–2007: participation in the international project CEU Budapest: The Intellectual History of Patriotism and the Legacy of Composite States in East-Central Europe

Membership in the Professional Organisations and Editorial Committees, Organizational Activities

- Since 2008: editor-in-chief of the international review of Comenius studies and early modern intellectual history Acta Comeniana

- 2019: Main organiser of the international workshop The Rosicrucian Manifestos and the Visual and Intellectual Culture of the Seventeenth Century, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 14. 5. 2019

- 2017: Co-organiser of the international conference Rhetoric and Genres of Learned Communication in Early Modern Central Europe: From Humanist Correspondence to Scholarly Journal, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 19.–20. 10. 2017

- 2014: Co-organiser of the international workshop The Practice of Scholarly Communication: Correspondence Networks between Central and Western Europe, 1550–1700, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

- 2014: Co-organiser of the international conference Religious Conflicts and Confessional Violence in Central Europe in the 15th–18th Centuries, Academic Conference Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

- Member of the Management Committee of the COST Action Reassembling the Republic of Letters, 1500–1800: A digital framework for multi-lateral collaboration on Europe's intellectual history

- 2013: Co-organiser of the workshop Databases in early modern research: Tracing people, books and letters

- 2010: Co-organiser of the international conference Universal Reformation: Intellectual Networks in Central and Western Europe, 1560–1670, St Anne's College, University of Oxford

- Since 2012: member of the editorial board of the Taula. Quadern de pensament, ed. Universitat de les Illes Balears

- Since 2010: member of the Academy Assembly, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

- 2010: Co-organiser of the international conference Universal Reformation: Intellectual Networks in Central and Western Europe, 1560–1670, St Anne's College, University of Oxford

- Since 2009: foreign member of the Committee on the Study of the Reformation in Poland and East-Central Europe

- 2009: Main organiser of the international workshop Apocalypticism, Millenarianism, and Prophecy: Eschatological Expectations between East-Central and Western Europe, 1560-1670, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague

- 2009: Co-organiser of the international workshop Educational Reform, Philosophy and Irenicism, 1560–1670, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cracow

- 2009–2010: Together with Prof. Howard Hotson (University of Oxford) a coordinator of the international workshop and conference series within the international project Cultures of Knowledge

- 2008: Co-organiser of the workshop How to Write on the Pre-Modern Philosophy?, AS CR, Prague

- 2007: Organiser of the Japanese-Czech workshop Different perspective, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague

- 2005: Co-organiser of the Czech-Spanish workshop Antecedentes Hispanos del Método de la Janua linguarum de Comenio, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague

- Since 2004: Member of the editorial board of the journal Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika (History – Theory – Criticism)

- 2001: Organiser of a workshop An Echo of a Postmodern Challenge in Czech Historiography?, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences, Charles University, Prague

- 2000: Member of a Local Organizing Committee of an international symposium Tycho Brahe and Prague: Crossroads of European Science, AS CR, Charles University, Prague

- 1999–2002: Co-organiser of the History Forum (Historické diskusní forum), see, AS CR, Prague

- 1997–2000: member of the committee for the humanities and philological studies, Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences, 1999-2000: vice-president of the committee

- Sept 1995: Co-organiser of the Czech-British workshop Intellectual Communication in the 17th Century, AS CR, Prague

- Since 1995: Member of the editorial board of Studia Comeniana et historica

- 1992–2007: Co-editor of the international review of Comenius studies and early modern intellectual history Acta Comeniana

Selected Conference Papers and Invited Lectures

- June 2014: 'Making of a Prophet: Mikuláš Drabík, Jan Amos Comenius and the Re-contextualization of Prophetic Texts', International Conference, Goldsmith College, University of London
- April 2014: 'Mapping Comenius's Correspondence Network', International Conference Scientiae, University of Vienna
- Oct 2013: 'J. A. Comenius and the Practice of Correspondence Networking: Between the Office of Address and the Collegium Lucis', international conference Keys to the Thoughts of Jan Amos Comenius in Our Time, Naarden and Amsterdam
- Oct 2012: 'Between Politics, Millenarianism and Universal Reform: Comenius in Context', invited lecture, Central European University
- Oct 2012: 'J. A. Comenius, the Unity of Brethren and the Correspondence Networks', 3rd Bethlehem Conference on Moravian History and Music, Bethlehem, PA, USA
- April 2012: 'Displaced Intellectuals and Rebuilt Networks: the Protestant Exiles from the Lands of the Bohemian Crown and their Selfpresentation', international conference Early Modern Migrations: Exiles, Expulsions and Religious Refugees 1400-1700, University of Toronto
- June 2011: 'Chiliasmus crassus versus chiliasmus subtilis? The roots of Comenius' millenarianism', Warburg Institute, University of London
- Sep 2010: 'The Reception of Alsted's Eschatology among Bohemian Exiles: Partlicius, Skála and Comenius', International Conference Universal Reformation: Intellectual Networks in Central and Western Europe, 1560-1670, University of Oxford
- April 2010: 'Prophecy and Pansophia between an Upper Hungarian Village and Amsterdam: Networking and Propagation of Mikuláš Drabík', International workshop Encyclopaedism, Pansophia and Universal Communication, 1560-1670, Semmelweis Museum, Budapest
- July 2009: 'Early Irenical Writings of Comenius and the Polemic with the Pirna Community of Bohemian Lutherans', International workshop Educational Reform, Philosophy and Irenicism, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków
- Sep 2007: Emigration and Migration: Bohemian Refugees in the Times of Wenceslaus Hollar, British Museum, London
- June 2007: Czech Comenius Studies after 1989 and Early modern Studies: New Subjects and Problems, Waseda University, Tokyo
- Sep 2006: Between Religious Confrontation and Irenicism: The Experience of the Protestant Exiles from the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, International symposium Religion and Authority in Central Europe, University of Alberta, Edmonton
- Feb 2004: The Communication Networks and Political Propaganda: the Case of the Bohemian Protestant Exiles after 1620, Sawyer Seminar on Networks, University of Aberdeen
- Nov 2000: Conception of History in Comenius' Consultatio catholica and in the Works of Other Bohemian Exiles, Komenského Univerzita, Bratislava
- Feb 1998: Bohemian and Moravian Refugees and the Hartlib Circle, All Souls College, Oxford
- Dec 1996: Between Bohemia and Britain: Comenius and his Fellow-emigrés, University of Aberdeen, katedra historie, Aberdeen
- Dec 1996: Paracelsianism, Millenarianism and Political Activism: Central European Refugee Intellectuals and their Links with England, Warburg Institute, London



- Eschatologie, vědění a politika: Příspěvek k dějinám myšlení pobělohorského exilu. [Eschatology, Knowledge and Politics: On the Intellectual History of the Post-White-Mountain Bohemian Exiles]. České Budějovice: Historický ústav FF Jihočeské univerzity, 2008. 303 pp. ISBN 978-80-7394-076-8.

Editions and Edited Volumes

- J. A. Comenii Opera omnia / Dílo J. A. Komenského 26/I: Korespondence. Část I, 1628–1638 / Epistulae. Pars I, 1628–1638. [Complete Work of Johann Amos Comenius. Vol. 26/I. Correspondence.]. Martin Steiner, Tomáš Havelka, Vladimír Urbánek, Václav Bok, Markéta Klosová, Marcela Slavíková, Lucie Storchová, Kateřina Šolcová (eds.). Praha: Academia, 2018. ISBN 978-80-200-2991-1. (co-author of the annotations, co-editor of the volume, editor of the annotations, co-author of the introductory study).

- Řezníková, L. – Urbánek, V. (eds.). Ex definitione: Pansofické pojmy J. A. Komenského a jejich dobové kontexty: Studie Martinu Steinerovi. [Ex definitione: Pansophic Concepts of Jan Amos Comenius and their Early Modern Contexts: Studies for Martin Steiner.]. Praha: Filosofia, 2017. [Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích; 16.]. ISBN 978-80-7007-504-3.

- Goris, W. – Meyer, M. A. – Urbánek, V. (Hrsg.). Gewalt sei ferne den Dingen!: Contemporary Perspectives on the Works of John Amos Comenius. Springer, 2016, ISBN 978-3-658-08260-4.

- J. A. Comenii Opera omnia / Dílo J. A. Komenského 9/II . Prague: Academia, 2013. Editor and co-author of the commentaries to Comenius's edition of Lasitius's History of the Bohemian Brethren.

- Urbánek, V. – Řezníková, L. (eds.). Mezi Baltem a Uhrami: Komenský, Jednota Bratrská a svět středoevropského protestantismu. [Between the Baltic and Hungary: Comenius, the Unity of Brethren and the World of Central European Protestantism]. Prague: Filosofia, 2006. ISBN 80-7007-246-6.

- Beneš, J. – Glombíček, P. – Urbánek, V. (eds.). Bene scripsisti...: Filosofie od středověku k novověku: Sborník k sedmdesátinám Stanislava Sousedíka. [Bene scripsisti...: Philosophy from the Middle Ages until the Early Modern Period: The Festschrift for Stanislav Sousedík.]. Prague: Filosofia, 2002.

- Rejstřík. In J. A. Komenský. Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských, Vol. 3, Praha: Svoboda, 1992, pp. 571–594. (An index to the three volumes of the Czech translation of Comenius' De rerum humanarum emendatione consulatio catholica.).

Papers in Scholarly Journals and Volumes

- Steiner, M. – Urbánek, V. Otevřená brána tvého přátelství: Nová evidence o počátcích korespondence Jana Amose Komenského a Samuela Hartliba. In Křesťanská kultura a vzdělanost v českých zemích od středověku po Komenského: Justus et Bonus ad honorem Jiří Beneš. Ondřej Podavka (ed.). Praha: Filosofia, 2020, pp. 251–271. ISBN 978-80-7007-630-9.

- Transfer vědění, nebo rétorika exilu? Pobělohorští exulanti a jejich sebeprezentace v písemnostech Hartlibova okruhu. [Transfer of Knowledge or the Rhetoric of Exile? Bohemian Exiles and their Self-Presentation in the Hartlib Papers.]. Dějiny – teorie – kritika, 2020, 1, pp. 36–53.

- Individual Itineraries. In Hotson, H. – Wallnig, T. (eds.). Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age: Standards, Systems, Scholarship. Göttingen, 2019, pp. 325–332.

- Dascalu, M. – Storchová, L. – Trausan-Matu, S. – Urbánek, V. Natural Language Processing: Shifting Rhetorical Strategies in Comenius's Correspondence with Three Separate Communities. In Hotson, H. – Wallnig, T. (eds.). Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age: Standards, Systems, Scholarship. Göttingen, 2019, pp. 428–432.

- Urbánek, V. – Klosová, M. The Correspondence of Johannes Amos Comenius. In Dílo Jana Amose Komenského = Johannis Amos Comenii Opera omnia 26/I. Korespondence. Část I, 1628–1638 = Epistulae. Pars I, 1628–1638. Praha: Academia, 2018, pp. 7–24. ISBN 978-80-200-2991-1.

- Řezníková, L. – Urbánek, V. Slova a věci: Komenského Lexicon reale pansophicum jako pramen. [Words and Things: Comenius's Lexicon reale pansophicum as a Source.]. In Řezníková, L. – Urbánek, V. (eds.). Ex definitione: Pansofické pojmy J. A. Komenského a jejich dobové kontexty: Studie Martinu Steinerovi. Praha: Filosofia, 2017, pp. 13–31. [Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích; 16.]. ISBN 978-80-7007-504-3.

- Jan Amos Komenský. [Jan Amos Comenius.]. In Bůžek, V. – Smíšek, R. (eds.). Habsburkové: Země Koruny české ve středoevropské monarchii: 1526–1740. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2017, pp. 335–337. ISBN 978-80-7422-572-7.

- Meždu gumanizmom i barokko: Ja. A. Komenskij kak kanoničeskij avtor v diskussijach češskich istorikov literatury 30-70godov 20 veka. [Between Humanism and Baroque: Jan Amos Comenius as a Canonical Author in the Discussions of Czech Literary Historians, 1930s–1970s.]. In Nasledie Jana Amosa Komenskogo vzgljad iz 21 veka: Materialy meždunarodnogo naučno-praktičeskogo foruma. St. Petersburg: Peterschule, 2017, pp. 23–33. ISBN 978-5-85902-151-2.

- J. A. Comenius and the Practice of Correspondence Networking: Between the Office of Address and the Collegium Lucis. In Goris, W. – Meyer, M. A. – Urbánek, V. (Hrsg.). Gewalt sei ferne den Dingen!: Contemporary Perspectives on the Works of John Amos Comenius. Springer, 2016, pp. 291–308. ISBN 978-3-658-08260-4.

- Komeniologie mezi pamětí a historií. [Comenius Studies between Memory and History.] In Řezníková, L. a kol. Figurace paměti: J. A. Komenský v kulturách vzpomínání 19. a 20. století. Praha: Scriptorium, 2014, p. 183–246. ISBN 978-80-88013-08-2."Comenius, the Unity of Brethren, and Correspondence Networks", Journal of Moravian History, 14 (2014), 1, pp. 30–50.

- Comenius, the Unity of Brethren, and Correspondence Networks. Journal of Moravian History, 14 (2014), 1, pp. 30–50.

- Displaced Intellectuals and Rebuilt Networks: The Protestant Exiles from the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. In Fehler, G. – Kroeker, G. – Parker, C. – Ray, J. (eds.). Religious Diaspora in Early Modern Europe: Strategies of Exile. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2014, pp. 167–179, 230–234.

- Komeniologie a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku. In Šedivá Koldinská, M. – Cerman, I. et al. Základní problémy studia raného novověku. [Key Problems of Early Modern Studies]. Prague: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2013, pp. 670–693.

- Politické myšlení Komenského a Campanelly: antimachiavellismus a universální monarchie. [Political Thought of Comenius and Campanella: Antimachiavellianism and Universal Monarchy]. Studia Comeniana et historica, 43 (2013), 89–90, pp. 83–91.

- Acta Comeniana – od komeniologického časopisu k revui pro intelektuální dějiny. [Acta Comeniana: From Comenius Journal to Review for Intellectual History]. In Olšáková, D. (ed.). Niky české historiografie: Uherskobrodská sympozia J. A. Komenského v ofenzivě (1971–1989). Prague: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i., 2012, pp. 49–65.

- Suisei, Sekai no Shumatsu to Barajujushiso no Ryuko – Cheko Purotesutanto Chishikijin no Shumatsuronteki Taibou. [The Comet of 1618, the End of the World and the Rosicrucian Furore: The Eschatological Expectations of the Czech Protestant Intellectuals at the Beginning of the Thirty Years War]. In Fukasawa, K. – Sakurai, M. (eds.). Yuai to Himitsu no Yoroppa Shakai Bunkashi. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2010, pp. 133–154.

- Patria Lost and Chosen People: The Case of Seventeenth-century Bohemian Protestant Exiles. In Trencsényi, B. – Zászkaliczky, M. (eds.). Whose Love of Which Country?: Composite States, National Histories and Patriotic Discourses in Early Modern East Central Europe. Leiden: Brill, 2010, pp. 587–609.

- Počátky Komenského chiliasmu a chiliastická očekávání u Simeona Partlicia a Pavla Skály. [The Beginnings of Comenius' Millenarianism and the Millenarian Expectations of Simeon Partlicius and Pavel Skála]. In Prázný, A. – Schifferová, V. (eds.). Pojetí světa v díle Jana Amose Komenského. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2009, pp. 133–150.

- Intelektuální dějiny a dějiny filosofie: možnosti dialogu. [Intellectual History and History of Philosophy: Opportunities for a Dialogue]. Aithér, 1 (2009), 2, pp. 186–191.

- Konfesijní identity a irénické snahy: Texty a kontexty ve sporu Bratří se Samuelem Martiniem z Dražova. [Confessional Identities and Irenical Efforts: Texts and Contexts within the Dispute between the Unity of Brethren and Samuel Martinius of Dražov]. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 15 (2009), 2, pp. 30–43.

- Morava a Slezsko v politicko-náboženských vizích a proroctvích českých exulantů. [Moravia and Silesia in Political and Religious Visions and Prophetic Writings of the Czech Exiles]. In Bobková, L. – Konvičná, J. (eds.). Korunní země v dějinách českého státu IV. Náboženský život a církevní poměry v zemích Koruny české ve 14.–17. století. Prague: FF UK – Casablanca, 2009, pp. 613–625.

- Mezi paracelsiánskou medicínou a rosenkruciánskými manifesty: studijní léta Ondřeje Habervešla z Habernfeldu. [Between Paracelsian Medicine and the Rosicrucian Manifestoes: An Early Life of Andreas Habervešl of Habernfeld]. Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis, 47 (2007), 1–2, pp. 171–181.

- Učenec. [A Scholar]. In Bůžek, V. – Král, P. (eds.). Člověk českého raného novověku. Prague: Argo, 2007, pp. 355–377.

- Marta Bečková – komenioložka a badatelka o dějinách česko-polských kulturních styků. [Marta Bečková – Comenius Scholar and Historian of Czech-Polish Cultural Contacts]. In Urbánek, V. – Řezníková, L. (eds.). Mezi Baltem a Uhrami: Komenský, Jednota Bratrská a svět středoevropského protestantismu. Prague: Filosofia, 2006, pp. 15–32.

- The Idea of State and Nation in the Writings of Bohemian Exiles after 1620. In Eriksonas, L. – Müller, L. (eds.). Statehood Before and Beyond Ethnicity: Minor States in Northern and Eastern Europe, 1600–2000. Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2005, pp. 67–83.

- Between Universalism and Patriotism: J. A. Comenius and his Concept of Politics. In Stroppa, C. (ed.). Il Pensiero di Jan Amos Comenius nella societa contemporanea. Pavia: Fondazione Jan Amos Comenius, 2005, pp. 67–72.

- Reason of State and Celestial Politics: The Anti Machiavellianism of J. A. Comenius. In Korthaase, W. – Hauff, S. – Schröter, H.-H. (eds.). Comenius und der Weltfriede. Berlin: Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft, 2005, pp. 432–443.

- Jan Amos Komenský, intelektuál v labyrintech doby. [J. A. Comenius, An Intellectual in the Labyrinths of His Times]. In Duchem, ne mečem. Prague: NLN, 2003, pp. 143–154.

- Josef Polišenský – Early Modern Historian and Comenius Scholar. Acta Comeniana, 15–16 (2002), pp. 463–470.

- The Comet of 1618: Eschatological Expectations and Political Prognostications during the Bohemian Revolt. In Christianson, J. R. – Hadravová, A. – Hadrava, P. – Šolc, M. (eds.). Tycho Brahe and Prague: Crossroads of European Science. Thun, Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Harri Deutsch, 2002, pp. 282–291.

 - Stanislav Sousedík – poutník po neprošlapaných stezkách dějin filosofie. [Stanislav Sousedík – A Pilgrim Through Untouched Territories of the History of Philosophy]. In Beneš, J. – Glombíček, P. – Urbánek, V. (eds.). Bene scripsisti...: Filosofie od středověku k novověku: Sborník k sedmdesátinám Stanislava Sousedíka. Prague: Filosofia, 2002, pp. 13–24.

- Proroctví, astrologie a chronologie v dílech exulantů Paula Felgenhauera a Šimona Partlice. [Prophecy, Astrology and Chronology: Works of Paul Felgenhauer and Simeon Partlicius]. In Hrubá, M. (ed.). Víra nebo vlast?: Exil v českých dějinách raného novověku. Ústí nad Labem, 2001, pp. 156–173.

- Simeon Partlicius a jeho příspěvek k politickému myšlení doby bělohorské: Typologie válek a právo na odpor. [Simeon Partlicius and His Political Thought: Typology of Wars and the Right to Resist]. Studia Comeniana et historica, 29 (1999), 62, pp. 61–75.

- Simeon Partlicius and His Works: Rudolfine Mood in Bohemian Exile. In Konečný, L. – Bukovinská, B. – Muchka, I. (eds.). Rudolf II, Prague and the World. Prague: Artefactum, 1998, pp. 291–296.

- Comenius and Menius. In Steiner, M. (ed.). Comenius' Heritage and Education of Man for the 21st Century: Papers of Section 6: Comenius's General Consultation as Instauratio Magna Rerum Humanarum. Praha: Karolinum, 1998, pp. 285–289.

- Utopie, millénarisme et antimachiavélisme: J. A. Comenius – Komensky. In Delsol, Ch. – Masłowski, M. (eds.). Histoire des idées politiques de l'Europe centrale. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1998, pp. 215–228.

- The Network of Comenius' Correspondents. Acta Comeniana, 12 (1997), pp. 63–78.

- Ve stínu J. A. Komenského: Česká exilová inteligence v Hartlib Papers. [In the Shadow of Comenius: Bohemian Refugee Intellectuals in the Hartlib Papers]. Studia Comeniana et historica, 24 (1996), 55–56 (1996), pp. 123–136. (English summary)

- Patriotismus pobělohorského exilu. [Patriotism of Refugees after the Battle of the White Mountain.]. Historické listy, IV (1995), pp. 3–6.

- Revelace Mikuláše Drabíka a válečné akce první poloviny 40. let 17. století. [Revelations of Mikuláš Drabík and the Campaigns of the First Half of the 1640s.]. In Skutil, J. (ed.). Morava a Brno na sklonku třicetileté války. [Moravia and Brno towards the Close of the Thirty Years' War.]. Praha – Brno, 1995, pp. 70–75.

- J. A. Comenius' Anti-Machiavellianism. Acta Comeniana, 11 (1995), pp. 61–70.

- Konflikt ortodoxního luteranismu a mosaického pansofismu: Případ Friedricha Menia a J. A. Komenský. [The Conflict between Orthodox Lutheranism and Mosaic Pansophism: The Case of Friedrich Menius and J. A. Comenius.]. Studia Comeniana et Historica, 24 (1994), 51, pp. 149–157. (English summary)

- K otázce zájmu o Komenského a jeho dílo v Čechách v 17. a 18. století. [On the Question of Interest in Comenius and his Work in the 17th and 18th Century Bohemia.]. Filosofický Časopis, 40 (1992), 1, pp. 57–68. (English summary).

- Znalost J. A. Komenského v českých zemích zejména koncem 18. a počátkem 19. století. [The Scholar's Knowledge on J. A. Comenius in the Bohemian Lands at the End of the 18th and the Beginning of the 19th Century.]. Studia Comeniana et Historica, 19 (1989), 37, pp. 163–169. (Co-author I. Albrechtová; German summary).

- Jiljí Chládek, český obrozenec a osvícenec. [Jiljí Chládek - Czech Patriot and Thinker of the Period of Enlightenment.]. Acta Universitatis Carolinae -Phil. et Hist., 4, Studia Historica XXVIII, Prague, 1986, pp. 115–140. (French summary)

Articles on Research Trends

- Bádání o J. A. Komenském a dějiny raného novověku. [Comenius Studies and Early Modern History.]. In Práce z Archivu Akademie věd, Ser. A, vol. 7, Praha, 2002, pp. 37–45.

- Comenius Studies and Intellectual History in the Czech Republic. Intellectual News (Newsletter of the International Society for Intellectual History), 1996, 1, pp. 19–21.


- Hotson, H. Od Rama ke Komenskému: Filosofická pedagogika v reformované střední Evropě. Dějiny a současnost, 20 (1998), 1, pp. 11–16.

- White, H. Historicismus, historie a figurativní obraznost. Reflexe, 1996, 16, pp. 2/1–2/23.


- Urbánek, V. Osobní zaujetí: Napříč staletími. (review). Constant-Rebecque, B. de. O dobyvačnosti a uzurpaci a jejich vztazích s evropskou civilizací; M. de Certeau, M. de. Psaní dějin. Dějiny a současnost, 35 (2013), pp. 30–31.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Storchová, L. Paupertate styloque connecti: Utváření humanistické učenecké komunity v českých zemích. Praha: Scriptorium, 2011. Acta Comeniana, 26 (2012), pp. 204–2013.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Letters from Sir James Spens and Jan Rutgers. Edited by Arne Jönsson. The Works and Correspondence of Axel Oxenstierna, ř. II, sv. 13, Stockholm, 2007. Český časopis historický, 108 (2010), 4, pp. 730.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Marshall, P. The Theatre of the World: Alchemy, Astrology and Magic in Renaissance Prague. London, 2006. Dějiny vědy a techniky, 40 (2007), 1, pp. 51–52.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Hotson, H. Paradise Postponed: Johann Heinrich Alsted and the Birth of Calvinist Millenarianism. Dordrecht, 2000. Acta Comeniana, 19 (2005), pp. 212–215.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Hotson, H. Johann Heinrich Alsted, 1588–1638: Between Renaissance, Reformation and Universal Reform. Oxford, 2000. Acta Comeniana, 19 (2005), pp. 207–211.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Union – Konversion – Toleranz: Dimensionen der Annäherung zwischen den christlichen Konfessionen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. von Heinz Duchhardt und Gerhard May. Mainz, 2000. ČČH, 101 (2003), 3, pp. 720–722.

- Urbánek, V. (review) Young, J. T. Faith, Medical Alchemy and Natural Philosophy: Johann Moriaen, Reformed Intelligencer, and the Hartlib Circle. Ashgate, 1998. Acta Comeniana, 15–16 (2002), pp. 357–362.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Yates, F. A. Rozenkruciánské osvícenství. Přel. Martin Konvička. Praha: Pragma, 2000. Dějiny a současnost, 22 (2000), 5, pp. 60–61.

- Urbánek, V. Úvahy o druhém dílu Dějin Moravy Josefa Války. (review). Studia Comeniana et historica, 29 (1999), 62, pp. 227–230.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Murphy, D. Comenius: A Critical Reassessment of his Life and Work. Dublin, 1995. Acta Comeniana, 13 (1999), pp. 191–194.

- Urbánek, V. Nad novou monografií Stanislava Sousedíka. (review). Listy filologické, 121 (1998), 1–2, pp. 147–152.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Seidel, R. Späthumanismus in Schlesien: Caspar Dornau (1577–1631), Leben und Werk. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1994. ČČH, 96 (1998), 3, p. 662–664.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Samuel Hartlib and Universal Reformation: Studies in Intellectual Communication. Mark Greengrass, Michael Leslie and Timothy Raylor (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Acta Comeniana, 12 (1997), p. 238–242.

- Urbánek, V. Nové ruské studie o starších českých dějinách. (review). ČČH, 94 (1996), 3, p. 666–667.

- Urbánek, V. Královna Kristina a myšlenkový vývoj její doby. (review). Åkerman, S. Queen Christina of Sweden and Her Circle. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1991. Studia Comeniana et historica, 25 (1995), 53, p. 60–66.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Jan Amos Comenius und die Politik seiner Zeit. Karlheinz Mack (Hrsg.). R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1992. Studia Comeniana et historica, 25 (1995), 53, p. 87–90.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Pokorná , Z. – Svatoš, M. (eds.). Bohuslav Balbín a kultura jeho doby v Čechách. Spoluautor Josef Bartoň. Praha - Köln: Památník národního písemnictví - Böhlau Verlag, 1992. Acta Comeniana, 11 (1995), p. 207–211.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Kumpera, J. Jan Amos Komenský: Poutník na rozhraní věků. Praha: Svoboda; Ostrava: Amosium, 1992. Acta Comeniana, 11 (1995), p. 179–183.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Vyskočil, F. Jan Amos Komenský: Kapitoly o jeho předcích, rodičích, příbuzných a místě narození. Acta Comeniana, 10 (1993), p. 224–228.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Pánek, J. Comenius in World Science and Culture. Contributions of Scholars from European Countries for the 17th International Cogress of Historical Sciences in Madrid, August 1990, Prague 1991. Studia Comeniana et historica, 22 (1992), 48, p. 144–147.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Sousedík, S. Walerian Magni 1586–1661: Próba odnowienia filozofii chrzescijanskiej XVII wieku. Filosofický časopis, 40 (1992), 4, p. 697–701.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Molnár, A. – Rejchrtová, N. Jan Amos Komenský o sobě. Acta Comeniana, 9 (1991), p. 213–216.

- Urbánek, V. Acta Comeniana 8 (XXXII). (review). Studia Comeniana et historica, 21 (1991),  45, p. 103–106.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Pánek, J. Jan Amos Komenský – Comenius: La voie d'un penseur tchèque vers la réforme universelle d'affaires humaines, Prague,1990. Studia Comeniana et historica, 21 (1991), 45, p. 101–102.

- Urbánek, V. Dílo J.A. Komenského 9/I. (review). ČČH, 89 (1991), 3, p. 452–454.

- Urbánek, V. (review). Kristensen, S. O. Istorija Rossiji XVII v. Moskva, 1989. Slovanský přehled, 1991, 3, p. 256–258.

Reports, Short articles, Interviews and Notes

- Dagmar Čapková (13. září 1925 - 24. května 2016). Český časopis historický, 114 (2016), 4, p. 1153–1156. ISSN 0862-6111.

- Acta Comeniana, časopis pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku. Akademický bulletin, 2010, 7-8, p. 34–35.

- Apokalypticismus, milenarismus a prorocká vidění v 17. století. Akademický bulletin, 2009, 4, p. 28–29 (co-authored V. Balík).

- Pohled na Komenského z Kanady. Akademický bulletin. 2007, 2, p. 16–17. [[Interview with J. Caravolas]

- O baroku, marxismu, historicích a filosofech: Rozhovor s profesorem Stanislavem Sousedíkem. Dějiny a současnost, 24 (2002), 2, p. 28–31.

- Výuka historie a historická bádání na vysokých školách: Čtvrté historické diskusní fórum. Soudobé dějiny, 9 (2002), 1, p. 147–148.

- Tycho Brahe a Praha: Křižovatky evropské vědy. ČČH, 99 (2001), 4, p. 906–907.

- Marta Bečková aneb chvála laskavé solidnosti. Studia Comeniana et historica, 30 (2000), 63–64, p. 265–267.

- Diskuse historiků – výzva i pro filosofy?: Ohlédnutí za sjezdem historiků: Filosofický časopis, 48 (2000), 2, p. 335–339.

- Milada Blekastadová - vyslankyně české vědy a kultury na evropském severu. Studia Comeniana et historica, 27 (1997), 57–58, p. 259–261.

- Dvě česko-britské konference o kulturních dějinách a dějinách myšlení raného novověku. Folia Historica Bohemica, 18 (1997), p. 427–431.

- Tak jsem nějak obohatila vědu, ani nevím jak... Dějiny a současnost, 18 (1996), 1, p. 45–47. [Interview with M. Blekastad-Topičová]

- Charles Webster. Dějiny a současnost, 18 (1996), 3, p. 57–59.

- Ramus a ramismus. Dějiny a současnost, 16 (1994), 2, p. 14.

- Bádání o dějinách idejí a vědy ve švédské Uppsale. Filosofický časopis, 41 (1993), 4, p. 728–731.

- Komenský a Estonsko (Zpráva o výzkumu). Studia Comeniana et historica, 21 (1991), 45, p. 144–146.

- Evropské dědictví ve střední Evropě. Filosofický časopis, 39 (1991), 4, p. 693–696.

- Jan Amos Komenský. Teologické texty, 2 (1991), 6, p. 237–239. 

Reviews, Reports and Polemics in the Cultural Journals and Newspapers

- Jaluška, M. – Urbánek, V. Listovní koleje a sítě na prahu moderny. Rozhovor s Vladimírem Urbánkem. [Epistolary colleges and networks at the threshold of modernity. An interview with Vladimír Urbánek.]. PLAV: měsíčník pro světovou literaturu, 15 (2019), 8, p. 5–8.

- "Všechno nechť volně jen plyne, buď násilí vzdáleno věcí!": Jan Amos Komenský a jeho pojetí nenásilí a násilí. Křesťanská revue, 84 (2017), 1, p. 12–15.

- Komenský a vizionáři sedmnáctého století. Katolický týdeník, 23 (2012), 13.

- Za Miladou Blekastadovou. Lidové noviny, 16 (2004), 260, p. 29.

- Záslužná kniha o historii rodu Pernštejnů. Lidové noviny, 13, 15.1. 2000, 12, p. 20.

- Je vyrovnání s minulostí otázkou metodologie, nebo ideologie?. Lidové noviny, 12, 212, p. 21.

- Van Dülmen očima Ivany Čornejové aneb několik poznámek k jedné recenzi. Literární noviny, 10 (1999), 31, p. 8.

- Caramuelova polemika s Descartem (Stanislav Sousedík, René Descartes a české baroko. Praha: Filosofia, 1996. Tvar, 8 (1997), 3, p. 22.

- Nikdy nekončící spor o české dějiny a současnost? (Miloš Havelka (ed.), Spor o smysl českých dějin 1895-1938. Praha: Torst, 1995. MF Dnes, 6, 1.6. 1995, p. 19.

- Hranice? Kultura! (Andrea Komlosyová - Václav Bůžek - František Svátek (eds.). Kultury na hranici. Jižní Čechy - Jižní Morava - Waldviertel - Weinviertel. Wien: Promedia, 1995. Nové knihy, 35 (1995), 20, p. 2.

- O novověku nově. Kostlán, A. – Bělina, P. – Hojda, Z. Novověk 1, 2. Praha: Scientia, 1994. Nové knihy, 35 (1995), 18, p. 23.

- Komenského Obecná porada a "objevy" J. Bořeckého. Tvar, 3 (1992), 39, p. 6–7.


- Dvě poznámky k úvahám Jaroslava Pánka o českém historickém vědomí. In Historické diskusní forum: Sborník příspěvků. Příloha Zpravodaje Historického klubu, 11 (2000), 1. Uspořádal J. Kocian, p. 41–44.


- Bibliografie prací Stanislava Sousedíka, 1965–2001. In Beneš, J. – Glombíček, P. – Urbánek, V. (eds.). Bene scripsisti...: Filosofie od středověku k novověku: Sborník k sedmdesátinám Stanislava Sousedíka. Praha: Filosofia, 2002, p. 317–338.

- Bibliografie prací Marty Bečkové, 1989–1999. Studia Comeniana et historica 30 (2000), 63–64, p. 268–272.

- Bibliografie prací Milady Blekastadové o Janu Amosu Komenském. Studia Comeniana et historica, 27 (1997), 57–58, p. 261–264.

Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History © 2014–2019