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Found 3486 publications (displayed results 1 - 20)
2020, Šimon, Martin, Jíchová, Jana

This article reports on a new empirical study evaluating crime concentration at places in a postsocialist city. We use principles of the law of crime concentration at places and the Cambridge Crime Harm Index to measure crime count and crime harm concentration at the level of street segments. The research found differences between crime concentration in a post-socialist city and crime concentration reported by recent studies from US or UK cities.

trust/social cohesion, crime, urban and rural studies, social inequalities, public administration
Article with impact factor
2020, Šimon, Martin, Křížková, Ivana, Klsák, Adam

Immigrants in large Czech cities 2008–2015: the analysis of changing residential patterns using population grid data – This article contributes to the discussion of the segregation of immigrants by presenting evidence from a new destination country of international migration. It explores residential patterns of immigrants, defined by citizenship, and their development in selected large Czech cities. The analysis is focused on six main immigrant groups.

housing, trust/social cohesion, identity, urban and rural studies, methodology, regions, public administration
Article with impact factor
2020, Šimon, Martin, Křížková, Ivana, Klsák, Adam, Mikešová, Renáta, Leontiyeva, Yana

Basic trends in the deployment of foreigners in the Czech Republic 2008-2015: Residential segregation from the perspective of individualized neighbourhoods of various size, by Martin Šimon, Ivana Křížková, Adam Klsák, Renáta Mikešová and Yana Leontiyeva

housing, identity, kultura, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, regions, public administration
Peer-reviewed journal article
2020, Jíchová, Jana, Šimon, Martin

The Stability of Crime at Places: A Case Study of a Czech City

trust/social cohesion, crime, urban and rural studies, regions, public policy
Article with impact factor
2020, Pospíšilová, Marie, Nancy Jurik, Alena Křížková, and Gray Cavender

Research on women’s entrepreneurship often fails to uncover the gendered way in which women’s roles and responsibilities are portrayed and it neglects the connections between ideas about what roles women play in business and in the family and the social context in which these ideas are embedded.

gender, work, family
Article with impact factor
2019, Gibas, Petr, Nyklová, Blanka

This article details our attempts at making sense of an ostalgic heterotopic space. We relay here our analysis of staying in and exploring a disused air raid shelter built during WWII, converted into a fallout shelter at the beginning of the Cold War and recently repurposed in an anti-communist museum/tourist hotel/ostalgic canteen called 10Z Bunker.

urban and rural studies, transformation
Article with impact factor
2020, Bernard, Josef a kol.

Výzkumná studie se věnuje problematice občanské vybavenosti malých obcí. Hledá odpovědi na následující otázky: (1) Které aspekty občanské vybavenosti jsou v malých obcích v Česku nejrozšířenější a kterými typy služeb nebo infrastruktur jsou obce naopak vybaveny méně?

urban and rural studies, regions
Other publication
2019 (vyšlo 2020), Nešpor, Zdeněk R.

The study shows Lutheran Protestantism as an important specificity of the former
Teschen/Cieszyn/Těšín region in Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic and Poland, among which this
territory was divided after the First World War. It examines the mutual relations
between the Teschen Protestants and their fellow believers in both (or after the independence
of Slovakia all three) countries during the 20th and early 21st centuries, and

religion and religiosity
Peer-reviewed journal article
2020, Vašát, Petr

Petr Vašát (PV): Maria, first of all, thank you for meeting with me. For our interview, I have prepared questions spanning from informal urbanism to building techniques to politics. Some of these questions are more related to research, while some are more about urban development. However, let’s start with your beginnings. I have discovered that you started to study informal urbanism in Montevideo in the 90s, 1997 to be exact, which is a pretty long time ago. So, how did it all begin?

housing, economics, globalisation, urban and rural studies, migration and mobility, regions, social inequalities
Other publication
2020, Dudová Radka, Hana Hašková, Jana Klímová Chaloupková

This article explores the relationships between partnership trajectories and having an only child. Few studies have focused on one-child families, even though in many countries having just one child is the main factor driving sub-replacement fertility levels. Little is known especially about how non-progression to a second child relates to partnership trajectories. This article contributes to filling these gaps by using a mixed-methods life-course research.

Article with impact factor
2020, Dudová, Radka, Hana Hašková, Jana Klímová Chaloupková

This article explores the relationships between partnership trajectories and having an only child. Few studies have focused on one-child families, even though in many countries having just one child is the main factor driving sub-replacement fertility levels. Little is known especially about how non-progression to a second child relates to partnership trajectories. This article contributes to filling these gaps by using a mixed-methods life-course research.

gender, parenting
Article with impact factor
2020, Pivarč, Jakub

Kniha se věnuje tematice inkluze ve vzdělávání. Představuje informovanou a nepředpojatou sondu do procesu, který v odborné i laické veřejnosti začal silněji rezonovat s účinností novely školského zákona (zákon č. 82/2015 Sb.). Tzv. inkluze se ani u nás nezrodila ex nihilo v r. 2015 nebo 2016 a nekončí několika legislativními, organizačními, metodickými a finančními opatřeními. Jádrem dalších kroků na cestě k inkluzi je její akceptace.

value orientations, education
2020, Fialová, Kamila

This chapter explores part-time employment in Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) as compared to Western Europe. The aim is to examine the relationship between part-time work and labour utilisation in CEE, and to evaluate whether a potential expansion of part-time employment may facilitate growth in labour utilisation. The analyses on panel data identify the main determinants of part-time employment and the key factors that limit it in CEE.

economics, work
Chapter in monograph
2020, Linek, Lukáš, Ivan Petrúšek

Welfare State, Inequalities, Politics: The Czech Public’s Attitudes towards the Welfare State between 1996 and 2016

politics (and political attitudes), social policy
2020, Vašát, Petr

The article explores how homeless people make places in the public space, while revealing some of the overlooked effects these places may have on the wider city. The article relies on extensive ethnographic research and media coverage analysis of a place called Eskalátory (the Escalators) in Pilsen, a second-order city in Czechia. Eskalátory is part of an underpass with a four-lane road, a tramway, and four outdoor escalators, altogether, forming a specific urban assemblage.

housing, economics, globalisation, urban and rural studies, social inequalities
Article with impact factor
2020, Jurik, N., G. Cavender, A. Křížková, M. Pospíšilová

We interviewed separately partners in twelve CR copreneurial couples to understand their possibly divergent perspectives on motives for copreneurship. Blenkinsopp and Owens argue that family businesses are a uniquely hybrid organizations that blend economic and caring concerns. Our analysis is guided by a structured-agency approach that focuses on how societal norms, the economy, and government policies influence entrepreneurial decisions.

Chapter in monograph
2020, Klímová Chaloupková, Jana, Hašková, Hana

Despite the fact that not having a partner is a strong predictor for remaining childless, few studies have explored the heterogeneity of partnership trajectories among childless persons. This article fills the gap in knowledge about the pathways to childlessness in Central Europe by exploring the within-group diversity of partnership trajectories among childless persons between the ages of 18 and 40 under state socialism and during the post-1989 transformation in the Czech Republic.

gender, family
Article with impact factor
2020, Paulína Tabery, Matouš Pilnáček

Trust is considered an essential part of a democratic society. That is why it is important to pay attention to it, especially in times of crisis. Some recent studies have introduced a new approach to examining attitudes and trust using social network analysis. The aim of our study is to examine the relationship between different types of trust during the coronavirus crisis.

trust/social cohesion
Article with impact factor
2020, Topinková, Renáta, Šetinová, Markéta

This article examines age homophily on a Czech online dating site using real user data. With a sample of 10 563 unique users and the aid of negative binomial regression, we test two hypotheses based on previous studies of online dating - namely, that men and women show different partner preferences with respect to age and that women in particular favour age homophily in their contacts. The model results support these hypotheses.

Article with impact factor
2020, Želinský, Tomáš, Ng, Jason Wei Jian, Mysíková, Martina

This paper proposes a novel methodology for the estimation of subjective poverty lines (SPLs) using a discrete information approach that obviates the potential discomfort of asking respondents directly about the value of their individual SPL. To estimate income SPLs, we utilize the Youden index. Using a simulated data-set, we first show that the level of bias between the estimated SPLs and their corresponding actual values is low.

social inequalities, standard of living
Article with impact factor
