The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

The International Board of Advisors was held

On November 19, 2020 the meeting of the International Board of Advisors was held. Up-to-date status of the COMPASS-U project and results of our research was presented.

The International Board of Advisors was estabilished in 1999 to help with the formulation of the scientific programme, and to assess the scientific achievements of the EURATOM Association.

The Board meets once per year in Prague and the members can get a first-hand information on the status of this Association’s flagship project. However, also all other Association’s activities, the main results achieved during the year, and the plans for the next period are presented. The Board then holds a discussion and comes up with conclusions and recommendations which are minuted. The current state and results of the COMPASS-U project were on the agenda of the meeting, and with regard to the current epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic, the meeting was held remotely.



19 Nov 2020