Mgr. Pavel Nývlt Ph.D.
+420 234 612 324
Department of Medieval Lexicography
associate scholar / head of the Department of Medieval Latin Lexicography
Research focus
- Vocabulary of Medieval Latin
- Medieval Latin historiography of Czech provenance
- Classical historiography, esp. Thucydides
- Classical oratory, esp. Lysias
Academic websites profile ( etc.)
2011-2015: doctoral studies: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (study programme History, field Ancient History), concluded by a defence of a thesis The Oligarchy of the Four Hundred in Athens in 411 BCE.
2005-2011: master studies: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (study programme Philology, Latin-Greek), concluded by a defence of a thesis Lysias’ Speech Against Eratosthenes: Translation, Commentary and Introductory Study.
Employment history
Since 2010: Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS
2013-2015: Participation in the grant project MŠMT LD 13043 "Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum - Slovník středověké latiny v českých zemích" [The Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands]
Fellowships and research stays
2015: short-term study visit at the Universitätsbibliothek der LMU München
2014: short-term study visit at the Universitätsbibliothek der LMU München
2012: short-term study visit at the Bodleian Library, Oxford
A seminar at the Institute of Classical Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University, Brno:
- "Thucydides' Work and Its Reception Throughout the Ages", winter semester 2019/2020
Individual lectures within the following courses of Medieval Studies at the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University, Prague, or at the Institute of Classical Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University, Brno:
- "Digital Humanities v medievistice" [Digital Humanities and Medieval Studies], summer semester 2017/2018 (MU)
- "Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat" [Introduction in Disciplines and Themes of Medieval Studies], winter semesters 2015/2016, 2017/2018, and 2019/2020 (CU)
- "Slovní zásoba středověké latiny" [The Vocabulary of Medieval Latin], winter semester 2014/2015 (CU)
- "Lexikografický seminář" [Seminar of Lexicography], winter semester 2013/2014 (CU)
- "Latinská lexikografie" [Latin Lexicography], winter semester 2012/2013 (CU)
Lecture "Introduction to medieval dictionaries" during the Lexikographische Matinee, a series of lectures for students of the University of Rostock, March 2016
Conference papers and lectures abroad
13. 6. 2019, München, Lexicographer: History of a Profession from Antiquity to the Present, přednáška „Odillum, clavator, manio, liciricium: originality in Czech Medieval Lexicography“
17.-22. 9. 2017, Vienna, Medialatinitas 2017: International Congress of Medieval Latin, paper "On the Language of Documents Cited by Thucydides and Laurentius de Březová"
22.-23. 6. 2017, Trnava, Hľadanie počiatkuov: štúdium staroveku na našich univerzitách, paper "Jak interpretovat rozpory v Thúkýdidově díle? [On Interpretation of Discrepancies in Thucydides]"
27.-29. 8. 2014, Szeged, Sapiens ubique civis II, paper „Was Alcibiades an Informant of Thucydides?"
16.-18. 11. 2012, Oxford, Europaeum Classcis Colloquium, paper „Leadership from Behind the Curtain: The Case of Antiphon"
21.-22. 10. 2011, Helsinki, Europaeum Classics Colloquium, paper „Theramenes and Hetaeries: Both Friends and Enemies“
Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic
1.-2. 11. 2019, Prague, Roma aurea: Structures of Historical Narrative, paper "Livy and Thucydides on the Siege of Syracuse"
11. 10. 2019, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Diachronní setkání Týnec, paper "Medieval Latin Electronic Anabasis"
8. 2. 2019, Prague, Aristotelská tradice politického myšlení, paper "Thucydides and Aristotle’s Politics"
13. 9. 2018, Prague, Česká diachronní lexikografie 1968-2018. 50 let Staročeského slovníku, paper "Old Czech Dictionary in the Dictionary of Medieval Latin"
8.-10. 11. 2017, Týnec nad Sázavou, Diachronní setkání Týnec, paper "Latin and Czech Documents in the Hussite Chronicle by Lawrence of Březová"
9.-11. 11. 2016, Týnec nad Sázavou, Diachronní setkání Týnec, paper "A muzzle, or a mushroom? Interpretation of a pair of words in Claretus"
13.-16. 11. 2012, Brno, Laetae segetes III, paper „Killing of Eratosthenes Between Reality and Mime. Or, Was Lysias 1 Really Pronounced?"
Summer School of Classical Studies:
- 2018: seminar "Stát u Jana Husa, Jana Žižky a Otakara Vávry [The Role of State at John Hus, John Žižka and Otakar Vávra]"
- 2013: seminar "Dekret o odsouzení řečníka Antifónta [Decree concerning the condemnation of Antiphon the Orator]"
- 2012: seminar "Divadlo na athénských soudech a soudy na athénském divadle [Theatre at Athenian Courts and Courts at the Athenian Theatre]"
Latin Day at the Academic Grammar School in Prague:
- 2017: lecture "Propaganda u Caesara [Propaganda by Caesar]"
Memberships in academic associations and other academic bodies
Jednota klasických filologů [The Association of Czech Classical Philologists] - member
Current projects
The Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands