Gender, Equal Opportunities, Research, 2010 (vol. 11), issue 1
Feministická reflexe globalizace


Feministická reflexe globalizace

Marta Kolářová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1)


'Saving Amina': Global Justice for Women and Intercultural Dialogue

Alison M. Jaggar

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 3-16  

Western moral and political theorists have recently devoted considerable attention to the perceived victimisation of women by non-western cultures. In this paper, the author argues that conceiving injustice to poor women in poor countries primarily as a matter of their oppression by illiberal cultures presents an understanding of their situation that is crucially incomplete. This incomplete understanding distorts Western theorists' comprehension of our moral relationship to women elsewhere in the world and so of our theoretical task. It also impoverishes our assumptions about the intercultural dialogue necessary to promote global justice for women.

Feministický pohled na interkulturní dialog - komentář Zuzany UhdePolitical Economy - An Analytical Framework for Interpretation of the Crisis of Global Capitalism?

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 17-19  

Feminist Political Economy - An Analytical Framework for Interpretation of the Crisis of Global Capitalism?

Veronika Šprincová, Miroslav Jašurek

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 20-29  

The article introduces feminist political economy as an analytical tool or interpretative frame for exploring current economic crisis. In the beginning of the article, the authors focus on the wider context of feminist theories and approaches to capitalism within their development. The point is to show that contemporary feminist critiques of global capitalism tie in with the earlier tradition of feminist thought. In the next part, the authors introduce the theoretical grounds and basic theses of feminist political economy through the work of V. Spike Peterson and J. K. Gibson-Graham. The last part of the article focuses on specific issues linked to...

From Global Sisterhood to Transnational Feminism: Challenges to the Women's Movement in the Form of Cultural Differences and Inequalities among Women

Marta Kolářová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 30-40  

Transnational feminism has become a significant global actor in recent decades, but it is not unanimous. Imperial tendencies of western feminists to influence women in other cultures have already appeared in the history of the feminist movement. Criticism of white Euro-American feminism, especially in the form of global sisterhood, has reached a peak in the past three decades, especially in international fora. Anti-colonial feminists have complained about the racist and orientalist practices of American feminists. Black and latino women, Eastern European post-communist women, and Islamic feminists have voiced protest against the universalisation of...

The Feminist Reflection of Migration: Care Workers, Nurses and Globalised Migration

Adéla Souralová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 41-48  

Researches on human mobility have ignored the role of gender in migration processes for a long time. In the 1970s, feminist scholars started criticising the gender blindness and male bias in this domain. New researches focusing on the position of women declared the need to adopt gender as a useful category in migration studies. This article describes the genealogy of the feminist reflection of migration and shows how the conceptualisation of gender in migration studies has changed over forty years. It focuses on one type of women's mobility: the migration of care workers, domestic workers, and nurses. Many researchers refer to these women as 'global'...

'Post-docing' around the World: The Gender Politics of Academic Mobility

Alice Červinková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 49-59  

The mobility of scientists that is the subject of this article is part of the broad scale of flows of people, objects, and knowledge in the contemporary world. These flows occur in multiple ways: from relocation and settlement in another country, to everyday pendulating mobility back and forth across boarders. In this article, the author is concerned with academic mobility and particularly mobility tied to long-term post-doctoral fellowships. She sets out to explore the gender dimension of long-term academic mobility and observe how scientists organise their professional and personal lives around movement between academic institutions. She argues that...

The Gender Aspects of the Failure to Adopt a Law on State Advances on Child Maintenance Payments in the Czech Republic

Barbara Havelková, Kateřina Cidlinská

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 60-73  

Many European states, including the Czech Republic, face a high default rate on child support payments. In combination with a high divorce rate and, in some states, ineffective law enforcement, this has become a dire problem and one that has gender repercussions. In an effort to solve this situation, almost half of the EU member states have adopted a system of state advances on child maintenance. The Czech Republic is not one of them. The article discusses why all three attempts to pass such a law have failed in the Czech Republic. Is there an alternative measure fulfilling this role? Have the proposed bills been deficient in some way? Or is something...


Od politickej ekonómie a ekofeminizmu k feministickej politickej ekológii

Ľubica Kobová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 74-77  

Sociální teorie globalizace

Karolína Černá

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 78-79  

Trochu jiná migrace: když ženy přicházejí první

Adéla Souralová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 80-82  

Pohledy na občanství žen ve střední a východní Evropě

Martina Kampichler

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 84-86  

Fyzický vzhled jako mechanismus sociální stratifikace

Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 87-88  

Od léčby poruch pohlavní identity k genderové transformaci společnosti

Jana Dvořáčková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 89-91  

Gendering Historiography. Beyond National Canons

Rudolf Kučera

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 92-94  

O rodinách a rodinných politikách v rámci Evropy

Hana Maříková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 96-97  


Genderové nerovnosti v roce Peking + 15

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 74-77  

Současná globální krize a její východiska

Martin Brabec

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 78-79  

Kríza ako začiatok ekonomickej diskusie o rodovej spravodlivosti?

Ľubica Kobová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 83  

Zpráva z přednášek profesora Normana Finkelsteina o izraelsko-palestinském konfliktu

Tereza Hendlová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 87-88  

Geopolitické změny v organizaci péče a jejich sociálně politické implikace

Hana Hašková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 92-94  

Zpráva z Výroční konference Britské sociologické asociace: Glasgow 7. - 9. dubna 2010

Lenka Formánková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 95  

Genderová promítání

Lenka Vrbová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2010, 11 (1): 98