Science & Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020

This website is no longer being updated as the project has come to an end. For up-to-date news, events and information, please visit

SINE2020, world-class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020, is a consortium of 18 partner institutions from 12 countries. It is funded by the European Union through the H2020 programme. Read more.

Latest news

The SINE2020 Story

The SINE2020 Story


To celebrate 4 years of hard work, we have created The SINE2020 Story – a video highlighting the achievements of the SINE2020 project.

Thank you to everyone involved! read more

The SINE2020 Sustainability Report

The SINE2020 Sustainability Report


SINE2020 has produced a Sustainability Report for the new developments now available to the neutron community and the next steps. read more

Industry Case Studies and Videos

Industry Case Studies and Videos


SINE2020’s Industry team produced 3 new videos on different neutron techniques (SANS, neutron diffraction and neutron depth profiling and many Case Studies from industrial companies that took part in our free feasibility studies. read more

The Road to the ESS

The Road to the ESS


Over the last 12 months, we went on a journey through all 12 countries in the SINE2020 project to showcase the work they have been doing. Read all the stories on The Road to the ESS! read more

SINE2020 Publications

SINE2020 Publications


SINE2020 partners have written many publications over the last 4 years, and the project has been cited by even more! You can read our full list here. read more




Watch our new video Introducing It will give you a summary of the great resources available on this interactive e-learning platform to teach users about neutrons. read more

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