Black hole accretion in Alps 2012
11–18 August 2012
- M. Bursa (ASCR, Prague)
- J. Horak (ASCR, Prague)
- V. Karas (ASCR, Prague)
- O. Kopacek (ASCR, Prague)
- J. Hamersky (ASCR, Prague)
- A. Rozanska (CAMK, Warsaw)
- L. Subr (Charles Univ., Prague)
- P. Suchan (ASCR, Prague)
Scientific programme
We will save most of time for discussions and work on subjects connected with current research projects of the group members:
- Modelling thermal spectra of accetion disks and physics of processes involved
- Magnetic field configurations around rotating black holes and charged particle motion
- Turbulence in accretion flow and the role of viscosity
- GR and accretion tori
- PR and astronomy
Heiligenblut, Austria