Ota Pavel

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Dobry den. I'm a beginner of Czech and I'm a student of International Christian University in Japan. I read some Czech literature in translation and now I study Czech literature, especially Ota Pavel for the graduation thesis. I have one question. How many people bought Ota Pavel's "Smrt Krasnych Srncu"? (I'm sorry that my computer cannot show the mark of Czech) I am interested in what the percentage of people enjoy his story. Among limited people like academic place or something? Or is he famous and be prefered in ordinary people? I'm sorry to send such a question suddenly but I have no idea to reseach this topic. If it's not much trouble for you, please reply.


Dobry den, Your question is complex and the quantitative data do not say all. So, before the politic changes in 1989 it was usual to indicate the number of copies of edition, after 1989 it is rather exceptionel. You can find this data in our electronic catalogue (http://sigma.nkp.cz/F the database NKC). You can search by the title, the system ask not the diacritics.
There is a brief list of editions:

1. Smrt krasnych srncu, Prague 1971 (the first ed.) : 8.000 copies

2. -, Prague 1973 (second) : 15.000 c.

3. Fialovy poustevnik : Smrt krasnych srncu : Jak jsem potkal ryby, Prague 1977 (collected ed. of three works) : 80.000 c.

4. Smrt krasnych srncu, Prague 1981 : 50.000 c.

5. Zlati uhori, Prague 1985 (selection of stories) : 60.000 c.

6. Fialovy poustevnik (comprises also Smrt krasnych srncu) -, Prague 1994 : 5.000 c.

All further editions don't comprise the number of copies. The numbers need of course an interpretation.
The first editions indicate a relatively great success of the author (a shift from 8 to 80 thousand copies in six years. In this time the number about 100.000 was evident bestseller. Ota Pavel wrote many works from sport domain and he had a significant number of readers there. And probably mostly non-academic public read him. You can make some idea of reception using the database of the Institute of the Czech Literature (www.ucl.cas.cz - main page; http://isis.ucl.cas.cz/?form=biblio - database). If you select only the period 1963-1980 and choose the subject (predmet) smrt krasnych srncu, you get 35 records, for Ota Pavel 75. That indicates in our conditions intensive and also immediate reception.
There is also acoustic record of Pavel's stories (see NKC, smrt krasnych srncu, Supraphon Records 1996, originally from 1977). And recorded author should have been very popular.

Evidently smaller numbers of copies from 1994 (5.000) is due to political changes. After 1989 there was a decline of numbers of published books in general. This number is still relatively big. Significant is also the number of editions after 1989, also relatively big in comparison with another authors.


Jazyk, lingvistika a literatura




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

14.02.2008 09:29

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