International Conference Published: 31. 8. 2020


The international SOLAIR Conference (Society, Law, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics) was established in 2018. Since the first year the conference gained very positive publicity and hosted a number of leading experts on law and artificial intelligence from the public sphere, academia and business. The main purpose of the conference is to create an open space and platform for discussion of inspiring and innovative ideas related to law and artificial intelligence and to support discussions as well as partnership between the public and private spheres.


This year’s conference subtitled “Fundamental Rights and Values in the Digital Age” will focus on questions of international regulation of artificial intelligence, protection of fundamental human rights and values, questions of personalization of online contents, protection of privacy and utilization of artificial intelligence for the purposes of public law as well as on questions of interconnecting artificial intelligence with organic life. The conference will also host a parallel online workshop “Dispute Settlement in the Digital Economy”.


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