Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, 2015 (roč. 16), číslo 2
Transnacionální feminismus


Transnacionální feminismus

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2)


Transnacionální feministické přechody: O neoliberalismu a radikální kritice

Chandra Talpade Mohanty

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 4-16 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2015.127.2.216  

The article is a reflection on the neoliberal knowledge economy, the traffic in antiracist feminist theory, and the way my work has been read (lost or found in translation) and has crossed geopolitical and racial/cultural borders. It comments as well on the development of my intellectual project in relation to my location in the US academy and the intellectual and political communities that have made the work possible. The larger frame I seek to examine using responses to my work in three sites - Sweden, Mexico, and Palestine - is the way feminist, postcolonial, and antiracist theory emerges from a particular geopolitical, intellectual space; the way...

Inspirace transnacionálního feminismu pro transnacionální feministickou sociální práci

Radka Janebová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 17-29 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2015.127.2.217  

The mission of social work is to promote human rights, social justice and social change. One of the currents of social work, transnational feminist social work analyses complex oppression based on racism, hierarchical nationalism, class exploitation and sexist control of women in different times and locations in the era of globalization. The paper aims to reflect on inspiration that transnational feminism can offer to transnational feminist social work and possible ways of social work in the era of globalization. Transnational Feminist Social Work originated as a response to globalization; theoretically it builds on transnational social work and transnational...

"Ještě nepatřím do starého železa" aneb paradoxy migrace péče z ČR do Rakouska

Andrea Kuchyňková, Petra Ezzeddine

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 30-41 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2015.16.2.218  

The paper focuses on the social situation and social practices of female care migrants (at the age of 50 and above) from the South Moravia (the region of Mikulov, Břeclav) who migrate for work to Austria as domestic workers-caregivers for seniors at regular intervals (circular migration). The main aim of the text is to argue that translocal female migrants paradoxically perceive their labour migration as a specific form of emancipation, despite the fact that they work in the so-called live-in-service jobs (where they live and work in private households) and often experience indignity. While in Austria they work in gendered and very demanding jobs with...


The Surrogate's Womb

Arlie Russell Hochschild

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 42-52 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2015.16.2.219  

The Surrogate's WombThe essay focuses on reproductive tourism and estrangement not only from our products and people who produce what we consume but also from our emotions and our intimate lives. Concretely, the author focuses on experience of commercial surrogates in India - poor women in whom a couple's embryo is implanted and who carry that baby to term for domestic or foreign clients. Drawing on interviews, the author analyses the world's largest womb rental service and how - out of financial need - the surrogate manages her emotional ties to her own body.


People Know What They Need. An Interview with Women Activists in Zambia

Zuzana Uhde, Tomáš Tožička

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 53-59 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2015.16.2.220  

The eight Millennium Development Goals agreed upon at the UN Millennium Summit in 2000 approached their deadline in 2015. They focused on reducing extreme poverty and hunger in the world as well as building foundations for social development by providing primary education, basic health care or employment to the global poor. Although they provided some tools to combat human suffering, the MDGs were also criticized for being disembedded from local activities and lacking strong objectives and analytical power. These shortcomings were to be overcome in the new post-2015 development agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were adopted in...

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Dokdy je možné fertilizovat ženu? Parlamentní debata o zákonné úpravě asistované reprodukce

Lenka Slepičková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 60-72 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2015.16.2.221  

Assisted reproduction has shifted from being an experimental technique to becoming a part of mainstream reproduction medicine. It has become a common and increasingly prevalent method of procreation in the 21st century. The boundaries of what is and is not normal in reproduction (and therefore desired, in the foucauldian sense) are not determined by what is medically possible; rather, they are bound by the legislation, public demand, and ethical and religious norms. Effort to redefine the boundaries determined by the legislation governing assisted reproduction occurred in the Czech Republic between 2008 and 2011. This effort was part of the so-called...

Přechod k mateřství - plány versus realita týkající se pracovních životů vysokoškolsky vzdělaných žen

Olga Nešporová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 73-84 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2015.16.2.222  

The article provides a detailed insight into a critical stage in the life course of young women. It focuses on the transition to first-time motherhood among women with tertiary education in heterosexual dual-earner couples in the Czech Republic. The plans of pregnant women regarding their working lives following the birth of their first child are compared with the subsequent realities of their lives (the first eighteen months of their motherhood). The study is based on longitudinal qualitative research conducted between 2011 and 2014. The research revealed that pregnant women did not consider motherhood and paid work as contradictory and that most...


Feministický příspěvek ke globální spravedlnosti

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 85-88  

Feminist contribution to global justice. Book review of Jaggar, A. (ed.). 2014. Gender and Global Justice. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Překračování hranic: proměny lásky a rodin

Hana Maříková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 88-90  

Book Review of Beck, U., Beck-Gernsheim, E. Dálková láska.

Proměny práce v globálním kapitalismu: od globální továrny po globální domov

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 90-92  

Book Review of Kobová, Ľ. ed. Feministky hovoria o práci

Úvahy o krizi, revoluci a transformaci

Ondřej Štěch

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 93-95  

Book Review of Dinuš, P., Hohoš, L., Hrubec, M. a kol. Revoluce nebo transformace

Myslime postkoloniálne!

Tomáš Profant

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 95-99  

Book Review of Havránek, V., Lánský, O. eds. Postkoloniální myšlení IV.

Je mateřství přirozenost?

Romana Volejníčková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 100-102  

Book Review of Badinter, E. The Conflict.


Několik postřehů o sexu a kapitálu: zpráva z feministické konference "Sex and Capital"

Blanka Nyklová, Marta Vohlídalová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 85-91  

Kontradikce: Představy o evropské budoucnosti. Zpráva z konference

Radka Dudová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 92-94  

Feministický výzkum politiky: zpráva ze Čtvrté evropské konference o politice a genderu

Ľubica Kobová, Markéta Mottlová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 95-99  

Zpráva z workshopu Tělo a tělesnost ve feministické teorii a výzkumu

Blanka Nyklová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 100-101  

Téma genderu a diverzity na konferenci Evropské akademie managementu (EURAM)

Marie Dlouhá

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 102-106  

Konference Mezinárodní asociace pro feministickou ekonomii

Alena Křížková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 102-103  

Gender Summit: gender v bádání, jeho kontextu a výstupech

Hana Tenglerová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2015, 16 (2): 103-105