Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1)
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 3-11
Are social movements responsible for their unfinished agendas? Feminist successes in opening the professions to women paved the way for the emergence of the upper middle-class two-career household. These households sometimes hire domestic servants to accomplish their child care work. If, as I shall argue, this practice is unjust and furthers social inequality, then it poses a moral problem for any feminist commitment to social justice.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 12-23
The article focuses on analyzing the institution of hired domestic care in the context of global connections of social relations and changing social forms of care. In the first part, the author introduces the social context in which the market model of care and transnational care practices partake in forming the process of distorted emancipation. In the second part, she focuses on feminist contentions about the meaning and possibilities of transformation of the institution of hired domestic care. In the third part, a systematic analysis of this institution is presented, examining forms of relationships between the domestic worker and the employer with...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 24-32
The Czech Republic is chosen by Ukrainian transnational mothers as a destination for their economic migration, mainly because it is possible, due to the geographical distance, to conduct a circulation migration between the two countries. The life "here" and "there" and the mobility of female labor migration gives, on the one hand, Ukrainian mothers the possibility of coordinating productive and reproductive work but, on the other hand, they are "trapped" in the net of unskilled work, and it is hard for them to get a stable job position. I analyze how gender operates in transnational spaces, and what impacts it has on the experience of motherhood. I...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 33-41
During the last couple of decades, paid childcare has become one of the central issues of feminist research. Agencies mediating childcare are a relatively new actor in childcare arrangements in the Czech Republic. This article argues that these agencies do not fill a gap in the market by offering childcare. Far from providing simple supply that reacts to a market demand, the agencies create the demand for specific care. Drawing upon qualitative research conducted with owners of these agencies, the text looks into the ways in which childcare is constructed. The issues of qualified, specialized, and professionalized care are discussed. The article aims...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 42-51
Collective homes and housing collectivization are phenomena that are usually considered to be ideologically close to Marxism and anarchism. In the 19th century, however, socialization of domestic work was part of various ideological streams, from social democrats to the business establishment. At the beginning of the 20th century, various forms of collective housing garnered the attention of the Czech intellectual elite. Information about collective housing came either directly from the United States of America or from Germany and Scandinavia. Czech sociologists regarded it as a contribution to social solidarity; feminists, on the contrary, as an instrument...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 52-61
The text deals with the efforts to save housework in relation to the process of women's emancipation. Since the 19th century, using gas, electricity and modern devices in the household promised to eliminate physical exertion and to speed up work substantially. In the process women were to acquire time to participate in education and cultural life. In the 20th century we see a differentiation in women's roles: educated professional women got rid of most domestic work by hiring other women to perform it. After the Second World War and in relation to the mobilization of women from homes to employment, the communist regime announced the project of the...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 62-72
The author deals with the issue of the marginalization of care in the teaching profession in Slovakia. The starting point is Selma Sevenhuijsen's concept of care as a social, moral and political practice, and Iris M. Young's concept of marginalization as a form of social oppression. Both these concepts are applied in order to gain an understanding of the situation of she-teachers and he-teachers in the context of a reform of the teaching profession and the education system in Slovakia. The author argues that the stereotypical conceptualization of care and the resulting marginalization of care in the teaching profession are key factors in explaining...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 73-77
Magdala de Gusmão pochází z Brazílie a do Evropy přišla poprvé před šesti lety. V Brazílii absolvovala bakalářská studia v oboru podniková ekonomika - finance a marketing na Fundação Getúlio Vargas a později v oboru finance a marketing na Univerzitě v São Paulo. Pracovala jako profesorka ve Fundação Raimundo Marinho. Dále absolvovala roční kurz sociální ekonomie na Univerzitě Complutense v Madridu. Sdružení ComuniDária založila v lednu 2008 v Lisabonu společně se svým druhým manželem a jeho matkou. ComuniDária je občanské sdružení, které se zasazuje o důstojné pracovní podmínky migrantek v Portugalsku. Protože nejčastějšími...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 78-79
Isaksen, L. W. (ed.). 2010. Global Care Work: Gender and Migration in Nordic Societies. Lund: Nordic Academic Press.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 80-82
Hrženjak, M. (ed.). 2011. Politics of Care. Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 83
Hrubec, M. 2011. Od zneuznání ke spravedlnosti. Kritická teorie globální společnosti a politiky. Praha: Filosofia.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 85-86
Machovcová, K. 2011. Nesamozřejmé perspektivy. Genderová analýza v psychoterapii a psychologickém poradenství. Brno: Mezinárodní politologický ústav Masarykovy univerzity.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 87
Křížková, A., Maříková, H., Hašková, H., Formánková, L. 2011. Pracovní dráhy žen v České republice. Praha: Slon.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 92-94
Cviková, J. (ed.). 2011. Politiky a političky. Aspekty politickej subjektivity žien. Bratislava: ASPEKT.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 95-98
Hines, S., Sanger,T. 2010. Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity. London, New York: Routledge.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 78-79
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 84
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 88-90
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 91
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 99-103
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 99-103
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 104-105
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2012, 13 (1): 106