Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2008, 9 (2): 1-9

Where Inequalities Intersect: Gender, Class and Race/Ethnicity

Marta Kolářová

This article focuses on the intersection of gender, class and racial/ethnic inequalities. The intersection theory draws on the feminist critique of traditional class theory and on the challenge to feminism posed by ethnic women. The article develops thinking about various configurations of the intersection of inequalities and addresses mainly the case of marginalized women. However, the argument goes that the intersection of gender, class and racial/ethnic inequalities is not just a matter for disadvantaged groups because it has an impact on all groups in various relations. Class, gender and race/ethnicity should be understood as interlocked systems of both disadvantage and privilege. The intersection of inequalities is an approach intertwined with the development of social movements (women's, labour and civil rights movements) in the USA and Western Europe. The article looks at why the intersection theory elaborated in the West mainly in the 1990s has not been reflected in Czech gender studies. Is it possible to connect the study of gender in a post-communist East European country with the predominantly American intersection theory?

Keywords: intersection, inequalities, gender, class, race, ethnicity

Published: June 1, 2008Show citation

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Kolářová, Marta. 2008. "Where Inequalities Intersect: Gender, Class and Race/Ethnicity." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 9(2):1-9.
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