Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2018, 19 (2): 163-181 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2018.19.2.430

The Intersectionality of Oppression Experienced by Single Mothers in Homeless Shelters

Kateřina Glumbíková, Barbora Gřundělová, Alice Gojová

This paper deals with how the intersectionality of oppression manifests in narratives of single mothers with experience residing in a homeless shelter. Oppression is of a structural nature and single mothers from homeless shelters encounter it in various forms and on various levels. Using a qualitative research strategy, in particular a participatory approach, it has been found that oppression is ever-present in the narratives of homeless mothers, and that their living experience can only be understood through the intermingling and intersecting of different forms of oppression, such as gender, motherhood, lone- parent families, andthe interrelated poor socio-economic situations, ethnicity, and homelessness. This intersecting of different forms of oppression leads to disabled identities, that resulting in segregation, marginaliszation, or social exclusion.

Keywords: intersectionality, oppression, homeless shelters, motherhood

Published: June 1, 2018Show citation

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Glumbíková, Kateřina, Barbora Gřundělová, and Alice Gojová. 2018. "The Intersectionality of Oppression Experienced by Single Mothers in Homeless Shelters." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 19(2):163-181.
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