Library Facilities

Lending Library

Circulation desk: Lending, returns, renewals, reservations, registration of new users, and all other user services.

Collection: Main monograph collection (over 15 000) available on open access, sorted according to the Dewey Decimal Classification; textbooks (marked by red labels); reference textbooks and other reference material (marked by yellow labels); display of new books.

Facilities: 2 computers with access to the library catalog and special databases, 1 computer with free access to the internet for registered users (reservations can be made at the circulation desk), 1 self-operated scan and copy machine; 5 study seats; personal lockers, entrance to restrooms.

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Reading Room

Collection: Current and last year’s journals, newspapers, MAE textbooks collection (marked by orange labels), selected working papers and UPCES materials (marked by UPCES labels).

Facilities: 2 computers with access to the library catalog and special databases; 14 study seats.

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Group Study Room

May be booked by CERGE-EI students/researchers/teachers.

Facilities: 1 computer; 8 study seats.

Basement Stock

Accessible to staff only.

Collection: Older working papers, monograph and textbook stock, housed in a room dating back centuries.


Stock Room

Accessible to staff only.

Collection: Over 35 000 issues of economics journals, World Bank collection, statistics collection, historical materials (books published before 1950), CERGE-EI dissertations, dissertations of the EU CSAV, other materials published by EU CSAV.


Wifi connection is available throughout the library.