Morality of Politicians Viewed by Public Opinion - April 2018


In the April survey CVVM enquired how strictly according to public should be judged morality of politicians and what criteria should be considered in their deliberations. CVVM also focused on attitudes of Czech citizens to disputes, problems and affairs which appear in our political and public life. In this case, respondents were presented with a list of statements with which they expressed their agreement or disagreement.

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Citizens on Personalities, Eras, and Events of Czechoslovak History from the Founding of Czechoslovakia to Present Day - March 2018


This year it will be a hundred years from the founding of Czechoslovakia in October 1918. Simultaneously it will be fifty years since the events of so-called Prague Spring 1968, it has just passed the 70th anniversary of February 1948 communist coup, and in September it will be eighty years since the signature of so-called Munich Agreement. In relation to these anniversaries Public Opinion Research Centre conducted a survey focused on these events, their acteurs, and their evaluation by Czech public.

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Involvement of Czechs in Public Life and Their Understanding of Politics - February 2018


In February 2018 Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions concerning the opportunities of citizens to participate in political issues and their understanding of politics in general.

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Public Opinion on the Reasons to Participate in Politics - February 2018


In February 2018 in the research project Our Society the Public Opinion Research Centre included questions focused on opinion of Czechs about the reasons of people for entering the politics.

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Public Opinion on the Functioning of Democracy and Respect to Human Rights in the Czech Republic - February 2018


Part of Public Opinion Research Centre survey in February were several questions concerning respondents' opinions on the functioning of democracy in the Czech Republic, the general attitudes towards democracy and respect for human rights in our country.

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Interest in Politics and Views on the Participation of Citizens in Decision-Making - February 2018


In February 2018, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on interest of Czech citizens in politics generally, politics of the Czech Republic and European Union and worldwide politics, and also examined views on the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes.

58% of Czechs are interested in domestic politics, 47% are interested in politics generally, 40% are interested in worldwide politics, and 35% are interested in EU politics. Citizens should make decisions on important local issues. This view is supported by 81% of interviewed. On the other hand, decisions on important laws and international treaties should be made by elected politicians. This view is supported by 75% of citizens in the case of laws and 82% in the case of international treaties.

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Politicians´ Interest in the Views of Citizens and Citizens' Ability to Influence the Public Sphere - February 2018


In its regular February survey the Public Opinion Research Centre further examined whether people think that politicians are interested in the views of citizens, and whether in the opinion of the Czech public, people have certain opportunities to influence the public sphere.

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Evaluation of Development in Selected Areas of Public Life in Last Year - January 2018


In January 2018 Public Opinion Resear Centre carried out a survey about the development of situation in selected areas of public life during the year 2017.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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Influence on political decision making - March 2017


In March 2017 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to decision making of politicians. Czech public evaluated the level of influence of chosen areas and institutions on decisions of Czech politicians.  

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Public Opinion on the Functioning of Democracy and Respect to Human Rights in the Czech Republic - February 2017


Part of Public Opinion Research Centre survey in February were several questions concerning respondents' opinions on the functioning of democracy in the Czech Republic, the general attitudes towards democracy and respect for human rights in our country.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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