Seminář oddělení logiky se koná ne zcela pravidelně, ale obvykle třetí čtvrtek v měsíci. Všichni zájemci jsou vítáni.
24. 2. 2020 Georg Brun & Hans Rott: The Objects of Logic
18. 1. 2018 Ansten Klev: Husserl's logical grammar
22. 2. 2018 Ivano Ciardelli: Two Switches in the Theory of Counterfactuals
29. 3. 2018 Davide Crippa: Some Early Attempts to Prove the Impossibility of Squaring the Circle
19. 4. 2018 Pavel Arazim: Jak platí logická pravidla
24. 5. 2018 Vít Punčochář: Informační sémantika pro modální logiky
4. 6. 2018 Göran Sundholm: Validity
3. 9. 2018 Doroteya Angelova: Some Non-classical Aspects of Ancient Logic and Their Contemporary Explications
25. 10. 2018 Andrew Tedder: A Multimodal Interpretation of Descartes' Creation Doctrine
29. 11. 2018 Igor Sedlár: Fine-grained modal logics: A simple approach
10. 12. 2018 Huimin Dong: The Epistemic Roles of Ceteris Paribus on Scaling Permission
24. 1. 2019 Vít Punčochář: An algebraic Study of Questions
21. 2. 2019 Ivo Pezlar: Composition of Deductions within the Propositions as Types Paradigm
4. 3. 2019 Hans Rott: Difference-Making Conditionals and the Relevant Ramsey Test
4. 3. 2019 Georg Brun: No Common Core, but a Shared Staring Point. A Reflective-Equilibrium Approach to Contested Concepts
18. 4. 2019 Grace Paterson: Proxies as Extending Agents
13. 5. 2019 Tim Lampert: Theory of Formalisation: An Iconic Alternative
31. 10. 2019 Gary Kemp: In Favour of the Classical Quine on Ontology